Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World
YES! I had a wonderful time, as always, in Sweden and England, and I am quite sure I could live back over that side of the world!
The two shows at Herrfallet were great fun. Set in beautiful grounds, surrounded by chalets around a massive lake, where people and dogs were so welcome. The weather was a tad rainy, but overall pretty reasonable and sunny, and a good time was had by all.
People from around the world were there, and it was great to meet up for the first time, or…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on September 24, 2010 at 12:50am — 12 Comments
The nine month Lupin (Copper's That's It That's Me Imp Swd) and Ibsen (Copper's Prat Bubbla) babies, have done very well at the three shows they have been to. Finoo has two CC's with Ballad one, and Gillou won the CC and Best of Breed recently, beating everyone, including older dogs, and going on to win Best Minor Puppy in the Gundog Group.
At the Gun Dog Championship show in May, which was their first outing, Uncle Nome, Aust Ch Copper's Prins Trollmane (Imp Swd), won Best of Breed…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on August 18, 2010 at 11:30am — 6 Comments
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on August 18, 2010 at 1:30am — 12 Comments
Thought you might enjoy seeing a few photos of the vastness of Australia! My husband, John,and our dear friend, Bunny (Chris Warren) drove from Western Australia to Adelaide, in South Australia, a few months ago,for a very successful Labrador Championship Show.They took 5 Labradors with them in my brand new car. It only had 300km's on the clock, but came home a week later with 7000km's registered!!
The photographs show the Nullabor and some of the most beautiful Esperance coastline.…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on July 14, 2010 at 12:35am — 12 Comments
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on June 15, 2010 at 9:00am — 14 Comments
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on June 2, 2010 at 9:08am — 13 Comments
Already, Asqaya's (Amhurst Reminder of You) and Ibsen's (Copper's Prat Bubbla) two frozen semen babies are four weeks old, and ventured outside today, in to the Autumn sunshine, for the first time.
You would think Mama Asqaya would be all concerned with her babies, which of course she was, but one of her toys had to go with them on their excursion, and was duly carried, dropped and taken back inside afterwards.
Two very special babies, looking absolutely super.…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on May 17, 2010 at 12:12pm — 14 Comments
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on May 15, 2010 at 1:58am — 11 Comments
Lupins's frozen semen babies are already six months old, and I just don't know where the time has gone.
Everyone is looking absolutely super, and mama Lupelina is back to being a bouncy, naughty schoolgirl!
Here are a few…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on May 14, 2010 at 1:42am — 8 Comments
When you are having fun, the weeks and months just fly by!
Some photos of the Lupin and Ibsen Swedish babies - Finoo,Ballad, Gillou, Tully and Ballanoo.
They bring us all so much pleasure and laughter.…
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on April 28, 2010 at 11:58pm — 11 Comments
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on April 28, 2010 at 1:24am — 12 Comments
Asqaya's frozen semen babies arrived safely last Friday, 9th April. Just two baby girls, sired by Coppers Prat Bubbla (Sweden.) Dr Phil is smiling just as proudly as all of us.
Where to next? Well stay tuned for some more exciting plans at the end of the year. The moon's a balloon!!…
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on April 21, 2010 at 6:55am — 19 Comments
Because of the historical value of the dogs behind my own Setters,many of my Wendover photographs have been framed, and are hanging in the house.No sense in hiding such beautiful dogs away in albums, never to be appreciated.
I have a certain amount of glare from the glass, in the photos I have taken, so I apologise. I have moved the pictures around in the house and outside to try to get the best effect, but I think you can still see how lovely the Irish are. Just to mention a few -…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on April 2, 2010 at 10:37pm — 4 Comments
My 1992 trip to England, saw me staying with J, and visiting Peter James at Wendover, where I was able to see some lovely dogs, including the gorgeous Labrador puppy, J so wanted to keep.
J was 87 and in very good health, and I still feel very privileged to have had this last opportunity to enjoy her company and knowledge. I didn't have chance to see J in 2000, when I again judged in the UK, and sadly she died at the end of that year. Lovely memories J,…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on April 1, 2010 at 11:14pm — 3 Comments
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on March 31, 2010 at 12:30am — 3 Comments
Following the sudden, and very sad loss of Amhurst Moonlinnhe, due to a massive tumour..... a silent tribute to her with photos.
The photographs are taken by her family, Irene and Mike Bouette, who have had four of mine at one time.
Linnhe is the dam of NZ CH Amhurst Borrowed Heaven, a consistent top winner who recently became Intermediate of the Year, following on from her Puppy and Junior of the Year awards.
As Irene said, Run Free Linnhe - do what you loved doing…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on March 27, 2010 at 12:21am — 13 Comments
Following the terrible fire at the end of December, which saw so many homes and properties destroyed, the latest photographs show the land is starting to rejuvenate, in spite of no rain, and the longest, driest Summer for Perth, on record.
In amongst the long, hot days, we again trecked to Toodyay to see the wonderful Dr Phil, hoping his expertise would work with another frozen semen insemination. Lupin's was a success but Guerin's wasn't.
So a week ago we went for the ultra…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on March 21, 2010 at 10:44pm — 19 Comments
Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on March 11, 2010 at 12:35am — 2 Comments
Hello Everyone,
If you want a good laugh, look at Face Book
Dog Show Fashion Police What a hoot !!!!Added by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on March 11, 2010 at 12:12am — 2 Comments
The group photograph, shows 5 Suntops, all Junior Warrant Winners. From the left, Suntop Songbird with his two daughters, Sh Ch Suntop Snowbird and Suntop Songfinch, his grandson, Suntop Magician and his son Sh.Ch Suntop Royalbird.
The single photo shows Suntop Shining Gleam in 1982, sire of one of Amhurst's imports, Suntop Shining Berry, who was a
litter sister to Suntop Shining Ben who went…
ContinueAdded by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on February 12, 2010 at 10:00pm — 4 Comments
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