Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

John and I were fortunate enough to be invited to the State Reception, in honour of the visit to Western Australia, by Her Majesty The Queen, and His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh.

The Garden Party was held in the beautiful grounds of Government House, and the weather could not have been more perfect.

We were extremely lucky, and probably one of the few who were able to meet both The Queen, as well as The Duke.

Some people may not realise that Her Majesty has a kennel of Labradors, under the Sandringham prefix, which she still personally works to the gun.

Our State leader, Premier Colin Barnett, and his wife Lyn, have two Labradors bred by us, and we were introduced to Her Majesty, and spoke for some minutes regarding our mutual breed. Her first words,with a smile were, " I hear you are responsible for Colin's dogs!!"

Certainly an honour and a great privilege for us.


Views: 308

Comment by Chantal McIlveen-Wright on January 18, 2012 at 4:09am

For sure it made your "year"!!!!  congratulations Myra and I hope you have promoted the Irish Setters too  :-)

Comment by Nardi Rowe on January 18, 2012 at 4:30am

I am pleased you have told your ES friends of your and John's meeting with the Queen at the Garden Party in Perth, Western Australia late last year.  You must give the link on you tube of you both attending.

Comment by Nardi Rowe on January 18, 2012 at 5:23am

Yes, John is a lot of fun and an excellent cook.

Comment by lyn hathaway on January 18, 2012 at 6:05am

it must have been a fabulous day for you myra .the photograph is lovely so pleased you had such a memorable day

Comment by Dee Rance on January 18, 2012 at 6:40am

Do we now have to pay to speak to you Myra???? and wow you both scrub up really well....lol..;o)

Comment by Nadine Bonjean on January 18, 2012 at 9:51am

You are "chic" Myra. What a honour!

Comment by JOANNE on January 18, 2012 at 11:59am

Lovely photo of you guys and was delighted to hear that you both had such a fantastic day :-). XXX

Comment by Angela Roberts on January 18, 2012 at 12:35pm

Lovely photo, first time I have seen one of John.  Looking so smart and what a lovely day to remember.  Looking forward to meeting you at Crufts


Comment by James Doran on January 18, 2012 at 1:32pm

Nice one, as you would say,Myra! Congratulations to both you & John.

Comment by Esther Siegrist on January 19, 2012 at 12:47am

A really great honour for you! wonderful photo of you both! thanks for share with us, Myra!


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