Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World


After years of waiting we have at last welcomed our English Setter baby, Lodema Windsor Knight, or just Windsor as he is known at home, into our family. I thought the Irish were full of themselves but this little man really does think he is a hot little fella and is very much look at me please and no one else. We have learned so much already about this wonderful breed and we are sure that young Windsor will give us many laughs and special moments in the future.

I would like to thank Shirley Voss, and Lynn Parekowhai of Hei Tiki kennels here in New Zealand for all their help as this breed has now become very rare in this part of the world, and especially Grant and Janine of Lodema kennels for allowing us to have this full on young man. As you can tell from the photos Windsor most certianly has attitude plus and it was a battle of wills to get him to stack :-), so we will need to practise on that.

Views: 388

Comment by JOANNE on November 22, 2010 at 2:12am
Thanks guys for all your lovely comments. My word this little man is keeping me on my toes :-)
Comment by Norma Pape on November 22, 2010 at 6:13am
What a lovely little man. We once had an English and he was far from feisty. His attitude was why go up a hill if you only have to come down again but it sounds like yours is completely different. I'm sure he'll do well and give you years of fun. Have I met his sister here in Perth????
Comment by Finding_Beau on December 25, 2010 at 8:52pm

Windsor is a beautiful young man, lovely colouring and an intelligent, spirited face. His expression reminds me of Beau when he was a puppy. I only took up showing as a hobby and because Beau hated to be shown as a young dog I waited until he was 2yo to give him time to mature??? It was a toss-up between Beau and a clumber spaniel who was the naughtiest on the day but Beau had an outstanding movement which over-rode his refusal to stack. As long as you don't mind being made a fool of, owning an English Setter is full of love, excitement and lots of laughs.

Comment by Jane McBride on January 9, 2011 at 3:04pm
I had quite a giggle at your comments on Windsor!  I have his sister, "Frankie", and yes I too had a busy lead up to Christmas! Aren't they just adorable tho'?! Especially when asleep! Lol


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