Cleaning up old pictures, it appeared I’m celebrating a centennial in Irish setters.
Fifty years ago me (around four years) and my brother Wim emptied our saving boxes and bought Rex. His mischief inspired me to write as a kid plus making pictures, books are still there. That is why I have to thank my Irish setters because that inspiration lead to my daily bread (reporter now editor) lifelong plus interest for their history teacher of –under more- history (never done too boring).
Idea is to celebrate this centennial by scanning pictures around themes. I’d like to know what you would appreciate before scanning. Like Rex and his many folowups, hunting, falconry, trials, shows, trips, favorite Irish in my youth (snapshots Hartsbourne, O’Cuchulain), kids & setters etc. You name I’ll scan it, add to personal page in a few off hours in weekends per theme you mention. Makes partying together!
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