Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I know that I may upset one or two people or there may be a few who will think that I have no right to place a blog such as this. However, during the last few months in particular there seems to be trend where certain members are deliberately down grading the ratings on certain dogs. When I first joined this site it was a wonderful place where true Irish Setter lovers exchanged words of advice, encouragement and congratulations with each other, exhibitors and pet owners alike.

Now I love my dogs but I am not so blinkered that I cannot see their faults and I am sure that most other members on this site feel the same. But I can also appreciate the qualities of many Irish Setters on this site and leave lots of comments on the photo of the dogs, top show dogs and the lovely couch potatoes too. Why are people feeling the need to down grade photos or is it a personal insult to the owner of the dog ?. If you do not like a dog, comment in private and move on, why upset a fellow lover of our wonderful breed.

I notice too that there are members who seem to no longer have the ability to share a nice word with other members on the site unless it is to thank someone for a comment on their own dog or to place a comment on the progeny of their dog, why become so blinkered ?. In this world of rising petrol costs, rising costs of living and the general decline of both exhibitors and breeders in all breed of dogs all around the world we maybe do not realise how much we are going to need one another in the future !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Views: 80

Comment by Cheryl Gorey on September 9, 2010 at 3:40am
Hi Jo, I agree with you too! I can't imagine why anyone would want to be faceless and downrate photos of people's dogs who are their pets first and foremost. I love looking at all the photos and I wish I had more time to comment on lots of the lovely photos I see. cheers, Cheryl
Comment by Dee Rance on September 9, 2010 at 4:44am
Hi there Jo. I now mostly just come on and maybe chat with my friends, but yes lately it has become a site where people can't comment nicely, or as you say down grade, I personally can't stand people being horrible to others, no mater who it is, if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all, life is just too short. like you I have been here a long time, and yes lately it has gone to the dogs, (excuse the pun), please stop all the bad comments, mind you perhaps there are some may think that I have been doing just that...Dee and the gang..;o))
Comment by Jennifer Martin on September 9, 2010 at 5:00am
We come together here to meet like minded people who love their Setters, at the end of the day does it matter if they are show, working or pet dog's? just so long as they are loved and looked after.
Personally I love the photo's that show all the Setters quirks, personality and expressions :D I also enjoy reading about their exploits - for me this site is about companionship - just like my dog!.
Comment by Dee Rance on September 9, 2010 at 7:19am
I agree wholeheartedly with you Camilla, Faceless is the cowards way, as I said if you don't have something good to say don't say anything at all, It is the height of ill manors. If you don't like a particular dog move on, it only takes a click, and lets face it we don't all like everyone's type of dog, we may love the breed but some appeal more than others, what a dreadfull world this would be if we were to all like the same things, how boring.. And yes if you have something to say do it privately, never never publicly,
Comment by Dee Rance on September 9, 2010 at 8:07am
Succinct and to the point Aleks and yes I agree. But Camilla it is wrong to 'slag off'' anyone, whoever or whatever it is about, yes say it in your own name, but privately, in Business you wouldn't dress a subordinate down in public, you would take them to one side, tell them what you think, and that would be the end of it, not in front of everyone, that is just not on....perhaps it is a British thing, but I for one, think it is wrong.
Comment by Anna Wymyslowska on September 9, 2010 at 9:09am
Is it possible to turn ratings off? In my opinion comments are enough and are not anonymus.
Comment by Susan Stone on September 9, 2010 at 10:06am
Thank you, Joanne. I agree with what you say. May I add that knowledge of Netiquette (Net Etiquette) would help.
Comment by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on September 9, 2010 at 11:49am
Hear Hear Jo.....Well said all round!
Comment by Dixie Cruise on September 9, 2010 at 3:21pm
I didn't even realize downgrading was possible ... but on a site such as this one, offering anything but support and good wishes to fellow lovers of dogs, and setters in particular, seems completely unnecessary and churlish. Go post your negativity elsewhere ... there are so few web sites left for positive folks!!
Comment by Dee Rance on September 10, 2010 at 3:39am
I agree with you Gigi negativity and bad manors should be kept at home, there is no need for it. I personally can't fathom what these people get out of it, does it make them feel ''BIG'' or superior, well it makes them look stupid and childish. As for Barbara it would be so good if you could control the stars, etc you spend many many hours sauteing and entering the pictures, and I for one really appreciate all your hard work, and dedication, and yes you are correct, there are pictures of my boy from 'sausage' to how he is now, something that I wouldn't have had if not for yourself and a few others, Thank you Barbara, and go somewhere else to the persons concerned, most of us here don't want your childishness....;o))


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