Rescue senior red setter

MAtilda was left by is own owner to be euthanised in a local county shelter in the north of portugal - Maia.
She has a small mammary Tumor, her overall condition is bad and she seems to be around 12 wich turns her to be a good candidate to the perfect homeless!!! or at least put her in the most difficult group of dogs to be adopted - seniors dogs - unfortunatly!
Matilda needs extra care and a caring owner who understands she is on her last months with luck maybe years.
Matilda has developed a strange behaviour: sometimes if off the leash she starts to walk and walk and walk panting in stress. We need to stop making her sit and calm her down. Poor dog!
Today i took her to Aveiro in the north, where she finally found a house to relax a bit!!!
my friend Leonor is a caring person and understands well how much Matilda will need extra care on her last years.
Leonor prefers to call Matilda - Maggie so it will bring her new luck.
it was incredible how Maggie settle in so fast and how happy she was to have a bed for herself!
thank you so muchLeonor.

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