Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World
***********A TRIBUTE TO FIDO***********
I am reminded of a picture and poem that hung over my bed as a child. It had been my night time prayer for all the years of my childhood. It's a little verse that everychild should grow up with and know. I have often heard it said that we are on the shore of life looking out into the horizon of our future,the choices are ours and we are at the helm.
He asks me no questions
He tells me no lies
And when I address him
Looks straight in my eyes.
Content with a little
He never despairs
But in all of my troubles
He willingly shares.
He asks for so little
He gives me so much.
Dear Lord,
Always may sympathy
Dwell in my touch!
Author unknown
There is a part of ourselves that we never discover until we own a dog and a part of ouselves that never matures until we have loved and lost, but yet, even though our buddy may nolonger stand on the shore with us, we smile and remember, and are enriched by all the things that we have learned and shared with our canine friend along the way, and we look out at the horizon, knowing that we are at the helm, and that, though invisible to the human eye, our canine buddy stands right there with us, by our side, facing each tomorrow as it comes, encouraging us to love again, for the well of love within us never runs dry!
The very first encounter I had with a Red setter was at the ripe old age of 5 and the setter's name was Fido. He had lost his way during a shoot on the mountain and his owner couldnt find him. He somehow made his way to our garden and for two whole weeks we were the proud owners of a beautiful red setter boy. We tried out many names and eventually found out that he answered to Fido. I was in seventh heaven, and Fido was my first dog and my very best friend. However, Fido's owner soon found out where his precious setter had rambled to, and sadly came to take him home. I was devastated. Fido had made getting up in the morning alot of fun, getting dressed too was a lot of fun with Fido running round the room with my shoes and socks in his mouth and me playing chase with him until both of us, laughing and tired would fall back onto the bed together. Those were wonderful days that I shall remember forever, and though I never saw Fido again, and I know he has long ago left this earth, I shall always remember and cherish the treasure chest of joy he left behind. For in the short time that I shared with him he left me a lifetime of loving memories.
After Fido left, I gave my parents no peace at all until I got a dog of my own, and so began my love affair with dogs which has lasted the whole of my life, and in particular my love of rescue dogs. You never know the gift of love and joy that lies in store for you when you take in and feed and care for, that poor stray dog in the garden!
And so, when Robin and I go to bed at night with all Robins brother and sister doggie family, and we pray the Lord our souls to keep, we thank Him too for all the dogs through all the years that have graced our lives with their love. And as Robin curls up in her chair, asleep, I smile, and think of Fido, and know his spirit is somewhere here beside me too, still touching my life with his love and laughter and madhatter setter pranks!
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