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Myra Thomas-Rhodes's Comments

Comment Wall (728 comments)

At 4:19pm on January 3, 2009, Von der schönen Matte said…
Hi Myra

Thank you for your welcome. You have very nice dogs and also about the Valley of The Kings. We were 6 years ago on a boat trip there - Unbelievably!!

Best wishes from very cold Switzerland to Down Under!

Marija and Peter Rohner with Aingheal, Emelyann, Gwyneth and her 7 B's
At 12:37am on January 9, 2009, Melinda Auld said…
Hi Myra

A very belated "Merry Christmas and happy new year!" from Glenn and I! We've been interstate and without reliable net access, so this is the first opportunity I've had to catch up on everything. 2009 looks like it's going to be an interesting year...just found out...I'm pregnant!! (Not planned, God help me...)

Hope to catch up soon,
At 8:45am on January 15, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
why not come to Hungary once to visit us and eat goooood hungarian food and cakes, non-doggie ones?
At 3:23pm on January 15, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
i forgot to mention the wine!!!!!
At 10:05am on January 21, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Thank you Myra!
I just could not resist this one...it was there waiting to be done!
(I bet you are sitting there in the sunshine, oh I am envious!)
At 12:27am on January 22, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Outdoor with a glass of wine...cant get much better than that, can it?
Grey, dark, cold and wet certainly does not beat it.:-(
Have a super day!
At 8:22pm on January 25, 2009, Jennifer Budgell said…
Hello Myra,

Thank you for the welcome message. I have not joined anything on line and do not have anything set up on facebook though I am thinking I should make the effort to learn!
It would be great to be able to post some photos and I will ask my spouse to give me a hand so I can put some on this site.
It is pretty amazing to be able to look at all the photos of happy lovely setters on this site and I will be pleased to add my own once I get more proficient. When I figure out the facebook thing then I will be able to communicate that way too.
Yes, I think Canada is a beautiful country and I feel lucky to have been born here.
Take care.
At 1:20am on January 26, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Thank you so much Myra!
If you are "down-under", I must be like on top of the world...? Correct? Feels OK! :-)
At 2:49am on January 26, 2009, Cheryl Gorey said…
Hi Myra
Thanks for the welcome. The discussions look interesting.
I look forward to hearing from you later in the week.
At 3:18pm on January 31, 2009, James Martin's said…
Hi Myra,
Thank you so much for your kind comment to my dog.
Yours photos are so gorgeous!
Regards and lots of luck.
At 10:24pm on February 1, 2009, JOANNE said…
Hi Myra
Had a wonderful weekend of showing. The nome daughters done us all proud taking the bitch challenges and best of breed on Saturday and Kerry taking the reserve challenge on Sunday. Both judges commenting on the beautiful colour and texture of their coats and head shapes. You certainly have a good eye for an Irish and thanks so much for bringing Nome to Australia as otherwise I would never have got my two lovely girls. Best of luck with the mystery girl, rest assured this has been the hardest secret to keep. Jo.XXX
At 8:53pm on February 2, 2009, Carmel Stringfellow said…
Hi Sis,
well birthday staring to improve. Had a dreadful night with the tibbie. Ended up at the vets this morning. Roxy on antibiotics, increased dose of calcium and ear drops. Pups are fine but there is one I have to watch. Great news from Jo!
At 9:50pm on February 2, 2009, Carmel Stringfellow said…
Not sure if everything is under control. The vet pointed out that one of the pups was smaller than the others. When he picked him up he noticed the pups' chest was quite flat. Been watching him. Don't think we are out of the woods yet.
Celebrations planned...don't know how I feel about it at the moment.
At 2:12am on February 4, 2009, Renata Berlińska said…
Hi Myra,
thanks for your comment!
At 11:15am on February 4, 2009, Phil Ledbetter said…
Thanks for the comment. Your kids are very pretty!
At 3:43pm on February 4, 2009, Carmel Stringfellow said…
No, things aren't going very well. Have already lost one baby and looks like another is fading as well. Roxy is a lot better but hasn't really locked on to the pups. I think I will have to help her out a fair bit.
At 6:14am on February 5, 2009, sammi pease said…
Hi there..nice to hear from you...yes., we have had tons of snow..my Abbi has been going bonkers...she just loves it.....but you know England..it'll all turn to mush too soon!! No more nice clean tootsies!!
At 7:42am on February 6, 2009, Gudjon Sig Arinbj said…
Hi Myra thanks for your comment!
At 4:02pm on February 6, 2009, Ilona Niederberger said…
Hi Myra, thanks for your warm welcome!
Greetings from Germany
At 3:12pm on February 9, 2009, Marta Magi said…
Thanks Myra, good luck is always needed when having a litter. How much left till you get your puppy girl?

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