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Ursula wilby's Comments

Comment Wall (693 comments)

At 4:39am on January 8, 2010, Dee Rance said…
Both the puppy and Saffy will toss the ball from side to side and bang it off the floor, or anything else for that matter, they will throw it in the air and catch it again, so where do you get the long line balls from, I would give it a go, it looked so much fun in the picture...;o))
At 10:47am on January 9, 2010, Dee Rance said…
Oh yes I think that is one of the other places and from one side (ribs) to the other, its when they let go of them that's when it gets dangerous for me, I have looked in the pet shops can't even get the short ones now, so will take your advice and look around the shows, when I can get to one that is, Rusa is growing fast. Fin still seems a little small but he is nearly the same size as his mum and Auntie, and he has done a huge spurt in the last couple of weeks, perhaps he won't be too big, thank goodness, some of the UK males are far too big. Thanks for the tip, will now go and rescue the cushion from Fin he has taken to chewing the corners of them, little darling!!!
At 12:59pm on January 9, 2010, ursula wilby said…
Rusas favorite at the moment is picking threads out og carpets and covers.,..great fun...:-( NOOOOOOOOOT for me!

The long-stringed ball is quite a bit softer, so no danger to humans!!!!!!
At 10:20am on January 14, 2010, Dee Rance said…
She is very intelligent and her mum...is a really good teacher, (can you come over here and try and get a bit of sense into Saffy's head, she is intelligent but just can't get it through to her), the baby is starting to do the same naughty things...
So well done you she is very deserving, and a good ambassador for our breed. Again CONGRATULATIONS
At 10:50am on January 14, 2010, Carmel Murphy said…
Of course all us females are great at multi tasking!!;o))
At 11:04am on January 14, 2010, Dee Rance said…
That's great, (I have always found that mine, get rebellious around 9-12months, just a nightmare) but by the time you have got your wee girl back on track, Fin will be 'at that age' so I will be waiting with bated breath.....
At 11:58am on January 14, 2010, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Första plats är första plats..... Kanske blir det nga ler utställningar för Vildas dotter?
At 3:46pm on January 14, 2010, Kasia Czapla said…
Thank you for the wishes Ursula :)
At 1:03am on January 15, 2010, Cheryl Gorey said…
Hi Ursula, yes, it is a great achievement! I have been so slack and haven't even started my young boy off in formal obedience work, but I will start this year. The club goes back in February!!. cheers
At 3:31am on January 15, 2010, Kasia Czapla said…
Next time you have a litter let me know. I will come and show you some of my "magic glue" tricks ;)
At 2:46pm on January 15, 2010, Anna Kazimierowicz said…
Yes, you are right, Ursula!
Taking shot of irish with standard lens is very hard, they always get some strange expression.
I was rather thinking in general - irish sweet eyes:)))
At 3:04pm on January 15, 2010, Dee Rance said…
I think that I would have the best of that deal. I am sure that you can do that manoeuvre very easily, I have to say that it is easier in a bus than in a car...for a start you need a bigger hole to put it in..optical illusion I know but still easier. As for Fin, well he is a bit of a nightmare at the moment. Just being so naughty, but he will grow out of it, eventually. I do hope....must say I am starting to question my sanity..;o))
At 3:38am on January 16, 2010, Dee Rance said…
I think that maybe you could be rite, but he is a bit of a naughty boy!! eating everything that gets in his way paper furniture rugs cushions etc etc etc. thinking of putting one of the muzzles on him, but that would be cruel at his age, well perhaps not...;o))
At 6:51am on January 17, 2010, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
I'm really sorry, 3 girls ! :-)
At 9:11am on January 18, 2010, Ana Gaspar Kozelj said…
Thank you for the nice wishes and yes,all are the right size ;))
At 8:39am on January 24, 2010, Dee Rance said…
No honestly didn't think of it that way at all, and yes you should have seen the rest of the kitchen, a small bomb had gone through it, well a medium sized one, but then it always looks like that, never been my thing, housework, only do what I have to, to keep it reasonable.
Thanks for the comment always good for a laugh....thanks....Dee and the gang
At 4:23pm on January 28, 2010, Esther Siegrist said…
Hallo Ursula
danke für deine Bildkommentare. Es ist immer eine grosse Freunde, Glenn's Schwester mit Kimaya und ihren Zweibeinern bei uns zu haben.
Alles Liebe
At 1:49am on February 4, 2010, Claire Prangle said…
Thanks for the nice comment on my view photo, you have some great shots too

Kind regards
At 12:58pm on February 20, 2010, ereni said…
Hello Ursula, just gon through photos and your "Close look" is still number one for me.
Have nice weekend!

At 4:30pm on March 08, 2010, Jo Ottinger gave ursula wilby a gift
Happy Birthday

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