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Nardi Rowe's Comments

Comment Wall (31 comments)

At 12:25pm on March 31, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Welcome to ES Nardi!!!
16 years you said????? please tell me the line.....
At 11:04pm on March 31, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Nardi,

welcome to the site! It is great? Are you a friend of Myra's?


At 11:38pm on March 31, 2011, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…

YooHoo Nardi - good to have you on board!


At 2:15am on April 1, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Welcome Nardi to this great site. 

I would love to see pics of your girl and her pedigree too of course!! 

cheers from (no so sunny Queensland), Cheryl

At 6:03am on April 1, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Nardi

Thanks for the info on your girl's pedigree.  My boy, Clancy is a grandson of Nome, so we have relatives!!

I like your girl's pedigree.  I haven't heard of her Grandfather (Ciaran Dariabar Imp UK).  Do you have any pics of him and does he still live in Australia?  Would love to see pics of her Mum Rachel too! 

It is hard to get good photos so I look forward to seeing some of your girl.

chat soon


At 6:16am on April 1, 2011, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…

Hey Nardi.....if you look at the Irish at the top of my page, you will see it is darling Reggae!


At 9:19am on April 1, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

So very sorry for your lovely Rachel and so envious you can keep them alive so long!!! Was the "end" of Rachel progressive or sudden? Was she active until the end? I lost my boy 3 weeks short of his 14th birthday but his mother died age 17!!!! I was hoping the same, but wasn't so lucky.

Wish you the best of luck with Ciara, hoping to see plenty of pictures of her and her beautiful puppies soon.

At 5:13am on July 8, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Nardi, no, but thanks for your message now. 

I hope you are feeling better now.  Life seems to be very busy for everyone.  I hope your daughter enjoys her birthday.  My older son turned 20 on 5th and my younger son turns 16 on 4 August. 

Ciaran sounds like he was very special.

How exciting that your Ciara is over at Myra's.  I wish you all the best with the mating, etc.  I would love to know what male Myra is putting over your girl  I have a friend of mine who is looking for a new puppy, so would be very interested.  If you want, you can e-mail me direct at goreymky@bigpond.com

Look forward to hearing from you and would love to see some pics!



At 10:22pm on July 9, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Nardi

They are a very special breed and such special personalities.  So sorry to hear that you lost Rachel.  What a lovely lifetime you have had with both of Ciara's parents!

I look forward to seeing pics and hearing the selected sire when you can.

Hope you are having a nice relaxing weekend.



At 8:58am on August 20, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Hi Nardi, exciting news indeed, so who did you choose as Ciara partner? Wish you all, and especially you and Ciara the best of luck !!!  waiting to see puppies pictures now  :-)
At 7:21am on August 21, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Many thanks for the invite Nardi, and very happy to become your ES friend  :-) a super big cuddle to Ciara
At 6:35am on September 16, 2011, Carmel Murphy said…

Hi Nardi and thanks for the friend request;o)) Happy to have another friend from down under;o)

At 2:21am on September 25, 2011, graham edwards said…

Hello Nardi,

Hope your trip to the west was a good time and both you and your girl arrived back home with out any problems.

Hope to hear from you soon.


At 1:58am on October 24, 2011, Di Andrews said…

Hi Nardi,

Thanks for the friend request. How many setters do you have and how old are they?

Kind Regards


At 3:05am on October 24, 2011, Nardi Rowe said…

Hi Di,

I have only one 6 year old bitch now who I bred.  I lost her mother (who I bred from a dog I imported from the UK out of an Amhurst bred bitch) St Patricks Day this year (very fitting I suppose for an Irish) at 16 years of age - the same age her father and his father lived to.  My bitch is by Myra Thomas-Rhodes  Swedish import "Nome" and we have just missed on a mating with one of her Swedish A.I. boys "Gillou" but plan to try again next season (around Easter next year).  I have friends who live in High Range and I was looking to purchase property around Colo Vale but think I will stay in Sydney.  I purchased my first Irish Setter whilst going to school in England on transfer with my late stepfather's job in 1975 and brought him and a Labrador we bought over there back to Australia.  Kind regards, Nardi

At 3:39am on October 31, 2011, Peter Hennig said…
Hi Nardi nice to meet you where abouts in Sydney are you ? I lived in Manly many years ago.My wife Susan and I now live in the south west of Vic with just one Irish two afghans and a little havanese I want another Irish to help balance the numbers
At 4:00am on October 31, 2011, Nardi Rowe said…
Hi Peter, I am living with my young daughter in the Hawkesbury area at the moment (as I have 6 pure bred Arabian horses 4 of whom are stallions that I bred, 1, 30 yr old Welsh mare and a 21 yr old Arabian pony mare) but have lived in Mosman, Lane Cove, Wahroonga (plus London, Norfolk UK, & Adelaide).  I thought I was about to have a litter of Irish pups (1st-3rd November) but my bitch sadly wasn't in whelp when ultrasounded.  She was mated to Myra Thomas-Rhodes, Gillou and she is by Nome out of a bitch I bred from a dog I imported back in 1988 from the UK out of a Amhurst bitch (Amhurst Ragsdale Regae).  Myra and I are going to try again next season (around Easter next year) as Myra would like a dog puppy from my bitch, Irishfield Riona Ciara being 3/4 her breeding; the other 1/4 being my import from the UK.  I would like another bitch as Ciara will be 7 at the end of April and I have never bred from her.  I bought my first Irish back in 1975 when my late stepfather was transferred to England on business. It will be nice to continue on my connection to my first Irish (Ginger Meggs (Imp UK) so please keep your fingers crossed we are successful next time round.  I have just sent off  this past week blood and mouth swobs for CLAD and late onset PRA-4.  I am hoping we get CLEARS for both.  Best wishes, Nardi
At 5:19am on November 21, 2011, Lois McCullough said…

Thank you Nardi I watched your video taken at Equitana absolutely amazing. We will be in Aus in December for 6 weeks not sure where you are but we will be with family in Turramurra.

At 5:26am on November 21, 2011, Nardi Rowe said…

My mother lives in Wahroonga which is next door suburb to Turramurra.  I visit the area regularly so if you can give me contact details, I will contact you so we can meet up.

At 7:35am on November 21, 2011, Lois McCullough said…

Hi Nardi we know Wahroonga very well especially the deli and coffee shops. We also do quite a bit of travelling locally and love to visit Galston, Berowra, Pittwater, Kurungai, Brooklyn, Avoca, Terrigal, We have friends in canberra who emigrated 4 years ago with their 3 IS and Helen was still showing in Aus last year when we visited them. She has a lovely needless to say British born boy who sired a litter in Brisbane last year. I will let you have contact details just before we leave the UK.

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