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Angela Roberts's Comments

Comment Wall (118 comments)

At 3:11am on April 7, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Angela
Thanks for the birthday comments for Jas, it was a lovely comment. I can't take the credit for the picture being there, phoned poor Nicole at 8.30 this morning and she talked me through it.
Dee and the girls
At 1:30pm on April 7, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
hi Angela, thanks for your comment on my kangaroo girl !
At 4:44pm on April 11, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Thanks for the comment on Jas's win, Sorry I wasn't there when they did the puppy although it could have been Nigel Naylor's, He had a couple of puppies entered but not sure, sorry...
Dee and the girls
At 6:48pm on April 11, 2009, colette tuite said…
Hi Angela,Ibelieve that the best puppy was Naylor and Morrisons Anlory Carmenere with Chorley Newtons Kerryfair snow fox best dog pup.
At 6:08am on April 12, 2009, colette tuite said…
I assume your comment relates to carmenere i will be pleased that she has moved on to Junior.I hope to bring out some puppies in two weeks time they are just 6mths old.There does seem to be a lot of nice puppies about so competition will be tough.
Lucky you that you have a nice sunny day in Cornwall it is overcast here at the moment but the sun may yet make an appearence.Happy Easter.
At 4:04pm on April 27, 2009, june walsh said…
Glad you liked the baby many thanks for your kind comments.
At 5:22pm on May 14, 2009, Marta Magi said…
Sorry to haven't got in contact for so long time, and thanks for wondering about me, Sarah and her pups. She is doing fine, a bit fat after the litter but we work on it :-)
OF COURSE I have kept a girl, this is the reason to do this breeding. Going to introduce her on this site soon, so hope you will not miss the blog. So glad Willow doing great at the shows. I always keep an eye on UK results, so I know she has been winning nicely so far. A new challenge she is for you, but she will cope with the others, so I will hear a lot about her in the future, I bet :-))
Going to sleep now, but will write you soon again.
Hugs to you and the rest / Marta
At 4:48am on May 17, 2009, Diane Bain said…
Thanks Angela, I have been showing my cairn and Freya need time to mature. I am going to mate Ashley's sister as soon as, although Jorja keeps asking me when can she be a mum again.I have been keeping an eye on the results and you've also been doing really well with Willow. Luv, Diane.
At 12:35am on May 21, 2009, Yvonne Joerling said…
Hello Angela, thank you for your comment, her name is Garden Star`s Kindle Light ( Queenstone the Jee Jee Man, Garden Star`s Bonnie Tylor).
Greetings from Austria Yvonne
At 4:11am on May 23, 2009, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Lovely to hear from you, Angela.
I just love Cornwall, and it sounds great there at the moment with your fine weather.We have finally had rain, but it came with a vengeance, three days ago, and has only just stopped. Now it is rather cold, so the wood fire has been going all day and night.
By the way, love the dry stone walls in your photos. Something I would love to learn. Saw plenty up in Cumbria.
Glad you enjoyed Bumble. She makes us laugh every day.
At 2:33pm on June 23, 2009, Jane Mugford said…
Happy 50th Birthday
At 2:55pm on June 28, 2009, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Thank´s Angela!
You are so lucky living in Cornwall and those lovely beaches..
Old mum has got the first swim for this year also, has been so hot and today 30+

At 5:14pm on June 30, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
hi Angela, sorry for writing just now, wanted to thank you for the comment on my "bad-topline" Danka. don't worry, i know what i have in her and don't care about stupid remarks and judgings. her topline and movement are two of the best traits in her, beside the head that i just love and her temperament. oh well, she is mine and i love her to bits. will always be thankful to Camilla for letting me have her.
have a nice and sunny week! here it has been raining for 10 days now in a row, basically all day long. hope you have better weather!
laura & the girls
At 4:26am on July 1, 2009, Leonor Ferreira said…
Her name is Maggie and she’s quite lively. She has adopted me as much as I have adopted her
At 6:30am on July 1, 2009, Leonor Ferreira said…
maggie already stands up for her "sisters". My two other lovely border girls, Bess and Luna.
Some friends brougth their dog around last weekend and Bess was playing with Carlota. They got a bit ruff with each other and Maggie started growling at the other dog. Hey – You hurt my sister, you’ll have to deal with me!
At 3:19pm on July 2, 2009, Vojna Medvedec said…
Thank you Abgela so much for your comments about my dogs;I appreciate your opinion.
Yes you are right,my breeding is based on the known english lines and I am not going to make any mixtures,as I try to breed quality not quantity and not being the commercial breeder.
Hope to exchange some points of you in the future concerning our beautiful breed!
Best wishes Vojna
At 1:44pm on July 5, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Angela, thanks so much for that, like you I have only had three previous litters in the 30 something years I have been around dogs, but they all ate really well all the time. This little madam will eat my food but not hers, you would think that I was poisoning her, she has never been a good eater, this is the first time in her life that she has ever had weight on her. She still is of a good weight, and she is now eating a little bit of chicken and tripe. But it is all giving her the runs, and she is on tablets to stop that, so I am on tender-hooks all the time as to how she is going to feed the puppies, I am less worried than I was, and I am now, as you say, enjoying it all, watching her develop, and looking forward to the birth, I hope all is going to go well. Thanks so much for you comment though I will keep you informed, and it seems that this, not eating, is quite common so am not nearly so worried as I first was.
All the best and thanks again Dee and the girls
At 1:21am on July 10, 2009, Mariana Åhnberg said…
Thankyou! Yes she is a beauty and I'm a lucky one =)// Mariana
At 10:03am on July 21, 2009, Kickie Boman said…
Thanks! It was a great weekend.
I'll try to figure out who that cute one is, don't know it straight away.
At 4:02am on July 22, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hey Angela
Thanks for the comment, well with still two weeks to go I could feel them all wriggling about in there, she has been sick this morning I think she need 5 meals now, and there is only 10 days to go, believe me she is bigger now that when the photos were taken, must be nearly a week ago now. And yes the box is big, when I got it I thought that it was huge but not any more..all a bit scary. Ah well will find out soon. Most of my previous pups have been 1lb-1lb 3oz whatever that is in grams I don't know.. thanks again Dee and the girls

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