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Lyn hathaway's Comments

Comment Wall (260 comments)

At 8:16am on August 6, 2009, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Thank you Lyn!
At 2:18pm on August 6, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Thank you for the comment on Ivys foal! She does look pretty...but is quite a handfull!
At 1:50pm on August 8, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Well bring the caravan up and you can stay hear for a wee while and I am sure that Layla and Lucy would enjoy Scotland, It has been lovely to have people to come in an help even if it is only to let me have a shower, I took a chance and cut the grass today, literally running up and down with the lawn mower and strimmer, I think that the strimmer is broken. It would be nice to finally meet you all. Ah well we can wish..but thanks for the thought.
All the best and thanks again Dee and the gang
At 5:07am on August 12, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I haven't seen that one...who is it that said that they were thick, they obviously don't know them....let me know and I will if I get more than a couple of minuets take a look, and maybe blow my top at that comment...
All the best Dee and the gang
At 5:48am on August 12, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Roger Mugford has had Irish for many years, he had one of my friends puppies once when he lived in Ottershaw park.
Can't understand how he would say anything like that...well what does that make him, because he has had them for many years that must make him a little stupid as well, you don't keep getting something that you think is flawed without being a bit gaga yourself. If I get a few minuets I will take a look at that....All the best Dee and the gang, ps how are you all doing are you all keeping well???Dee
At 2:01pm on August 12, 2009, Dee Rance said…
They are so cute, I just had to take that picture, I call it ''assuming the position'' Thanks for the comments I am going to be a boring grandma with all the baby shots...
At 2:58pm on August 12, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi again Lyn I just loved the one when they looked like they were kissing they looked so cute, and yes they are little fatties I think I am going to need a bigger box!!!
At 2:35am on August 14, 2009, sammi pease said…
Thankyou for your nice comments on my photos Lyn...and lots of love to your beautiful Layla..what a very special girl she must be :))
At 8:15am on August 14, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Oh Lyn, I am not offended! I just feel that perhaps the breeder was trying to do what (to her) seemed right.
And then it sort of came out all wrong, as it sometimes does with all of us...wrong words, and definatly the wrong time.

Greetings from a very sunny southern coast of Sweden :-)
At 9:18am on August 16, 2009, neil selman said…
Hi Lyn, Just been on your page, did not know you were just at Barnsley( lifelong reds fan). your irish looks like she copes very well with her blindness, its amazing how dogs sense things and help each other.

regards Neil
At 12:14pm on August 16, 2009, neil selman said…
Hi Lyn
We are at Conisbrough, tend to do more showing than watching football now, did go to Lincoln though, I go when I can, but Iam always there in spirit, I think lots of spirits will be needed this year!!!!

At 3:43pm on August 16, 2009, Sue and Cash said…
Hi Lyn thank you for asking about Dublin. He is doing fine, acting totally normal. I haven't started meds yet. I am waiting till I see the specialist in 10 days. Unless he has problems that change that plan we made. Lyn I don't think anyone will necessarily go along with my thinking here but in the states there is company called Hartz that makes many over the counter grocery type flea and tick shampoo's and topical products as well as so many other dog products. I used their Infusion conditioning shampoo for the first time when we bathed him with the first seizure that followed. Then the second bath four days later we used that product as well. On a whim I googled "my dog had seizures from Hartz shampoo" OMG I was floored to find so many dogs and cats have died from their products. And had seizures like crazy. The US government has forced them many times to stop selling certain products but even the puppy shampoo has killed puppies. I had no idea of any of this. My whole thought process is now that both baths, both times grand mal, well you see where I am going with this. I am taking the shampoo with me to the specialist and basically my husband and I decided that we will treat him normal and do our normal daily activities. And if he has a seizure we will know for sure that he has epilepsy but if he never has another one we know it was the product. Does that seem to make sense?
At 6:15pm on August 16, 2009, Sue and Cash said…
Oh my heart goes out to you with a sight disabled dog. Wow what a saint you are indeed. I hope your boxer gets that ear better quickly. We have dealt with that as well and it is hard to see them suffer through the weekend. At my other forum a lady just told me her pug had seizures only when bathed. It was odd he could take a bath were she works but not at home. Odd isn't that? She said that is still epilepsy. That we just have identified a trigger. And to journal that so that we change the pattern of how we do it. It could be the shampoo but it could be the scent of it. I guess human epileptics also can have sounds or smells that trigger their attacks. But they felt he doesn't need to jump on to medication as of yet. To wait and chart if it happens again. Some can go many years this way with only several and until they are often, they don't medicate them because the side effects hurt them more. So I will wait for the specialists opinions on all this stuff. I pray we get through some quiet days. I want to bath him in baby shampoo I think. Most gentle maybe? And I am curious to see if a different shampoo changes the outcome.
At 4:34am on August 17, 2009, steve3dreams said…
Aaah thankyou.
As soon as My dreams see the camera come out they 'strike a pose' as to say. Honest lol
At 11:35am on August 17, 2009, Denise Brend - (Devacott) said…
Thank you so much for your kind wishes Lyn - Ive had a lovely birthday x
At 10:28am on August 23, 2009, karen jewitt said…
Hi Lyn, thanks I have really enjoyed looking at all these lovely Irish setters
At 7:51am on August 24, 2009, Sue and Cash said…
Well he had three more seizures this past weekend and started phenobarbitol yesterday. He is handling the drug okay so far. I am not seeing the specialist afterall because the new seizures gave us the confirmation that it is epilepsy. I am bummed out big time and worried sick about him. Cluster seizures are scary and we are just taking things one day at a time. We got through the night without problems at least! Thanks Lyn for thinking about us. I am a mess over this.
At 1:50pm on August 24, 2009, Sue and Cash said…
I would love for you to keep in touch. Your an inspiration to me, how well you have seemed to cope with poor sweet Layla and her health issues. I just am amazed. Obviously God thinks I can handle this right, I do believe or he wouldn't have given me Dublin.
My husband and wants to give him sometime on the meds to see if they become worse or a bit better.
I just won't let him suffer. Others will judge me if I give up on him I know that. But I love him too much to watch him go through suffering. We are hoping that won't happen. I am afraid to take him out for our walk today, but afraid not too. I am confused what to do. Shouldn't I let him try to live his usual routine so he doesn't get depressed stuck in all the time? What do you think?
At 3:52pm on August 24, 2009, melissa mcclure said…
your pup is absolutly adorable! I love the little tounge sticking out just a bit
At 4:14pm on August 24, 2009, melissa mcclure said…
My fiancee put pics of the dogs on the computer. I am pretty illiterate when it comes to attaching things but I will try. We have a English setter mix he is Bazil then we have Piper she is a Brittany and then of course there is Brie. Our newest rescue. She has come a long way from where she was emotionally when we first got her. She was a wreck. But she has such a great and warm personality. I can do without the headbutting at between 3 and 4 am but other than that. she and Piper spend the day digging up worms and chasing bees and butterflies and staring with great confusion at the hummingbirds.

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