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Many IRWS around the world attend Field trials. Here you can post your results, and the judges critics.

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Great news. Can you give the points as well ?
And that picture is smashing. How many birds were found during the trial and with how many dogs ? (Including stokks;-)

regards Christiane
Great news. Can you give the points as well ?
And that picture is smashing. How many birds were found during the trial and with how many dogs ? (Including stokks;-)

regards Christiane
Skadi's critics:

Running time: 20 + 10 minutes

jaktlyst (hunting desire) 3 (best is 6)
fart (speed) 3 (best is 6)
stil (style) 4 (best is 6)

reviering (search pattern) 3 (best is 4)
søksbredde (range) 3 (best is 4)
samarbeid (cooperation) 4 (best is 4)

Number of points: 1
Point: Precise
Flush: Very good (best)
Retrieve: Approved

There was 24 dogs running this day, and approximately 20 % got placings. 37 birds observed in total. Skadi was the youngest dog to be placed. The dogs must be at least 2 years old to run in Open class. On forest trials all dogs must show retrieve after their "bird-work" to be placed.

Complete placings for both days can be found here: http://www.v-f-k.no/images/stories/PDF_dokumenter/Premieliste_Stord...
By the way; Skadi has never been trained on forest terrain, only highland terrain (grouse). I expect higher hunting desire/speed with some training on these type of grounds. The speed/hunting desire points are the reason she didn't get higher placings.
Sunday she only got 10 minutes as she pointed, flushed (on command) and chased the bird for 10 meters before she stopped. No chasing allowed! ;)
Congrats on that result, it is good to read that also in your country the Red and Whites doing very very good.
Nice place to have trails , the picture is great.!

Groet Gerard Mirck
Harry is a great stylish dog, Easy to train and very inteligent.
He can hold the birds very long time, and is a dog who can very easy the practical hunt.
Ask Jim Sheridan, he had Harry for more than a year, his bloodline is great he had Moanruad blood and old scandinavian blood. He is a dog for the best outcrosse you need.He is not so close to other Red and White.
Hmmm.. I don't like the dogs being too intelligent..
But I like dogs with lots and lots of hunting desire and not too "soft". How would you describe the Sheantullagh lines of Harry's parents regarding working abilities?
Well what do you think about Harry's father? and what about his quality of ofspring.
There a lot of Harry's father's good blood in France and also abroad.
But the most important lines in Harry is the Scandinavian line I think .
In all of the Red and Whites you see a lot of Rushfield and Craigrua and far from that Moanruads and from these lines comming the best working abilitíes. So also Sheantullah got good stylish dogs.
If you mean soft or stupid Harry good nothing from that.
You like him or not.
Harry can do a kill no problem. and do aport.
Groet Gerard
Ok, thank you for the reply. I am curious how Harry's working abilities are. I don't know his father or mother, or any relatives. Are there anything distinct about their working style? Hunting desire, speed, style, search pattern, range, cooperation etc. I am trying to understand on what kind of grounds/terrain Harry would perform best, because in Norway the Field Trials are quite different from on the continent, for example. And I have never seen a field trial in Ireland. I think Harry is good, but I want to know whats the strengths and whats the weaknesses.

Hilsen Thomas
Gerard, You have been marketing Harry as a stud dog for many years :)) He must be around eleven years old now?
I think that what people interested in him want to know are his record in field trials (wins, placings, titles). Also the field trial records of his parents, and his offspring - we know about Harriet, but what are all the others doing ?
And also things like his hip score, and the hip scores of the dogs behind him, and the puppies he has sired
Yep, this is something I always like to know as well.
The genetic shadow of a dog with all possible infos that are available from the past (parents, grandparents etc.), the present (dog itself and its littermates) and the future (offsprings).
Trial results as well as hip scores etc. And I want to know ALL, for good and for bad !




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