Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Here in the UK i Know of 3 TV adverts running at the moment with irish Setters in. They are.
The Twins for CarCraft
The Neurofen advert (beautiful scenes)
and The visit the North of Spain Holiday advert.
What do we have worldwide then?

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My 2 dogs did the TWINS advert in 2007, they were Corriecas Oscar, Corriecas bellini ex Corriecas Chance and Kirwilldale Acushla Sh Ch Scotselaw Jackson at Lynwood ex Corriecas Corinth, the dogs had a fantastic day and were so good they both have done obedience work so were a joy to work with, it was good fun and interresting to see what goes on behind the scenes unfortunately I never saw the advert as we don't get the channel it was on, they promised a CD but alas that never arrived either, I ought to chase it up. There was also an advert for Meadowhall with an Irish setter in a car that was Kirwilldale Allegiance litter brother to K Acushla bred by me but owned by Joanne Randerson from Sheffield
its funny cos i too have never seen the ad but got sick of people saying to me, oh look its the twins lol when they saw me out with my Dreams.
They must have stopped showing it. I have tried youtube but its not on their either.
You should chase it up, what a lovely gift that would be and something to be proud of.
Hello Angela,,just popped in to say the setter in Emmerdale is one of Pat Rhodes a Fearnley I belive,,there is one in an advert I cant remember what its for only seen it a few times,,the setter is in with a lot of other dogs,,it looks like a bit of in and out of poles maybe agilaty??
i think this was for butchers dog food pat also there was something similar to the agility one in between programmes on bbc with different dogs
Hi Lyn,,I think you could be right,,its a something and nothing sort of thing,,I wish they would bring back the Butchers tripe ads.I thought all the dogs were great and the way they acted was brilliant it must have taken hours and a lot of hard work,,,, , we at Oakwell Hall park have had a few ITV filmings ,and some of the actors behave just like babies,,Pat x
I have just seen the advertisement for Neurofen, there were two setters running along a cliff top!
I just found this jim bean whiskey add on youtube. cute.
Heres the neurofen ad lol, cant you tell im bored. sat at work so i thought ide get these commercials to show you all.
Does anyone know who the setters are in the nurofen advert?




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