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Many IRWS around the world attend Field trials. Here you can post your results, and the judges critics.

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Gerard, sorry for my questioning...but, Jim Sheridan had Harry for more than one year ? And what did he do with him ??? Did he start him on trials and with what result ? If not, then please allow the question WHY NOT ?
The fact that Jim Sheridan find this dog interesting makes me interested. But I need to know more details about the working abilities. Will he chase the horizon, or will he polish my boots? Can he work in deep snow in the steep Norwegian mountains all day long, or is he best on the open, flat fields of Holland and Denmark? These are the questions I would like to get answered. Somebody?


Pic: Typical Norwegian winter FT-weather
Harry was 8 years old do you think that Jim bring out an old dog?
He did some prctical hunt with him and shot some fasant
It is good that there are Red and white's doing there job in different fields so this is good when give eachother info for the breed. and what very intresting is to cross them for good working abilities.
So Merete there are differents in the Nord and south we have no such raf terrain here in Holland.
When Harry was 18 mounts he had a speed like a pointer and natural backing.
I learn him nothing in these day's he did it all by him self, it was a pleasure to see him working.
He is for so far I know the only Red and White Setter who won a field trail in America.
He had different qualifications in show and fieldtrails.
The last one on the EK in Europe 2005 Harry became second, Harry was the 2e Red and White setter(
the first was Exclusives Quickboy) who entered the Europe Championchip for serveral years.
He won also the day before the EK organised by the RED Club France 2004
"He is for so far I know the only Red and White Setter who won a field trail in America."

As far as I remember there were two red and whites entered :)) Bill Farrell has won field trials in America, and Deborah McNay has certainly won a Derby and had other placings with her IRWS in America and Canada

"He had different qualifications in show and fieldtrails"

How many CACs, CACITS? Other placings ? Any titles?

I think, Gerard, that Harry was promoted as a kind of gimmick, a red and white dog born from two red parents, and he has some shared ancestry (Moanruad) with the IRWS, with some different red lines from Denmark. And lets face it, there has been a lot of politics around Harry which has little to do with his value as a working dog.

But if I were looking for an outcross to red dogs to add to the IRWS gene pool, I would be looking for some exceptional red dogs, with outstanding field trial records. I would also want to know a lot about what is behind them, both their field trial records and hip and other health testing. Its not enough to have different breeding, It has to add something which improves the working IRWS, both in working ability and in health and genetic diversity

Its not enough to tell people Harry is a nice dog and that it is "pleasure to see him working". We all have nice dogs and we all enjoy watching them working :))

A short movie of Tobbogan's Amazing Skadi. Turn on sound..
Anybody have any results with their IRWS lately?
Tobbogans Amazing Skadi got a 2AK (2'nd in an open trial) at the Highland Trial at Dovre Mountains in Norway this weekend.
We are very happy for this result and she also did very well the other days of the trial (good grades) but for these days she did not have the luck with birds.
Now we will start training her for the forrest trials in November.

Congratulations, Merete!
Thank you Margaret :)
Great news, Merete ! Congrats !
I had 2 IRWS in my group last weekend in lovely Rhine-area and both came home with sound certificates. One small bitch was after Rushfield Sage ex Dalriach Heather. A hell of a runner with highest head carriage and she made nice use of the wind. Pointing was not the best and she could not use some chances, but finally managed.
The other one was a male from kennel History of Highland after Cevin vom Duvenseer Moor ex History of Highlands Audrey. First slip was a bit chaotic and his handler (totaly beginner) had a rough time;-) But he did point very well and second slip was simply to enjoy. Very fast, far out casts like an old dog.
In addition - to pass a junior trial in autumn successfully - both dogs had to retrieve a dead duck from water while a shot is fired onto the water directly next to the swimming dog. This is a kind of nerves test. The lake was like a bomb crate and the noise enormous...but both dogs finished with good results !
Thank you Christiane :)
It is nice to hear that new young IRWS is doing well. Are these dogs from Germany? I tried to google Kennel History of Highland but their web page was not running anymore.. Do they have many field trial dogs?
It sounds like a tough retrieve test they have to go through! In Norway they only need to show a retrieving certificate in the junior and adult trial. But in forest trials and in the Winners class in the highland trials they have to retrive every time.
The retrieving certificate is not very hard to get, it is just for the dog to retrive a dead grouse that the judge lay out in the field. We do have pure retrieving "trials" were they have to retrieve from water, fields etc, and it is much more difficult than the retrieve certificate. It is not many IRWS here in Norway who compete in such trials.





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