Exclusively Setters

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Hi All, 

Has anyone noticed the setters coats condition changing after neutering? 

We are considering getting Brett done a few months now , and in the past few weeks hes been trying to hump everything around him, so we definitely want to get it done.
But ive heard that the coat loses its glossiness and the condition of it in general isnt great. 

Advise much appreciated , 
thanks, Jackie 

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Why did this subject have to come up again the night before surgery? My friend said wait two more weeks, others wait two more months etc. Besides personality changes and coat issues my bigger short term worry is being put under, them having to walk my dog to the field to bathroom prior and after which given how frightened he will be, will be a freight train pulling some young vet tech. I already called and warned that he is a major puller and in fear will need double slip leashes and that I expect them to be forewarned and I expect my dog's safety to be the first consideration. I had this young thing shaking on the phone. One of my forums they lady had her dog slip off the lead and lost forever from a stay at a vet. You can see my worries! Sorry to highjack the thread but I am the one to ask about coat condition in about three months time. Also I will compare how his weight and height seem compared to his litter mates that are show dogs intact. Fingers crossed we are the lucky ones without issues. My second setter was fixed and had no problems at all and a lovely full coat. Monty looks fantastic to me. And prostate cancer took our first setter Chico at the age of 7, it had spread to his chest before we knew there was a problem. We were told they are more prone to prostate issues if not mating. My sister in law's Golden had three litters in six years and still got prostate issues and was neutered last year at the age of 7.
Monty does look incredible and so did my bitch Magic who was spayed at 7 1/2 years old but who I continued to show until she was 12 years old. With Barbara's dedication for her to say it was 'exceptionally hard' to keep the coat must mean exceptionally hard. I also spent hours working on Magic's coat. Just brushing, bathing and conditioning did not work. It was the continual plucking with rubber gloves on as the dead coat appeared that kept it looking in good condition. I was absolutely gutted that I had to have her spayed even at her age and she also eventually became incontinent although mostly only when asleep, nothing worse than having to wash urine soaked dogs and bedding daily.
My first setter became incontinent at around age 15 (she lived to be 17, believe it or not!) but the vet put her on a small dose of hormone given by pill each day and it completely solved the problem for her.
Oh susan, I feel for you I really do! But you have made your decision and I totally understand why, so stick with it and I am sure Cash will be absolutely fine. I think if I had lost a dog to prostrate cancer then I would be neutering too. I envy you for not being in a quandry about it all. There are pros and cons to consider in everything and you are just following the pros from what you know and have experienced. Thinking of you and Cash tomorrow xxxx
but I am in the quandry Louise. I feel like the governer with the choice to give him the last minute stay on his sentence! Too the person who asked if humping stops after neutering, well my Brittany was done at six months and humped everything that moved till the day he passed at ten years. So no it doesn't always stop it. Better odds of that if done young. But no guarantees. I don't want the other dogs humping mine! The fixed ones love the intact ones either fighting them or loving on them either way. With my insurance wellness plan on Cash I must do it before eight months or pay way more, but am considering paying more and giving him a few more months to get his feathers. I swear the vet's office thinks I am nuts for changing it twice now because to them it is just what is done at six months. Seriously they had no idea it might ruin his coat or growth etc. I told you guys it is so different here in the states. Unless you have a show dog people actually think badly of you for NOT doing it. Like your not a good pet parent etc. It wasn't until I came here that I realized it isn't done all over the world. Damned if I do, damned if I don't! My husband would like to wait if that matters any.
Susan, I find it totally amazing that a vet should not be aware of the negative side-effects of castration.

But I am at the same time totallay aware of the different situation in the states, just strange that all european dogs dont rush about humping everything in sight...where is the difference?:-)
I totally agree with you. My bitch isn't spayed and it never caused problems. If you want to spay/neuter your dog for some (unclear to me) reason, wait at least until the dog is an adult and that's over 12 months old.
Thank you Sue. I am a ball of nerves and I appreciate the support. It shall be a good case study because I can compare his littermates who are shown as far as weight and coat conditions. One sister has the same crazy coat he has and one brother is very close. Also he was the same weight as of this morning and has kept pace with the others thus far. I do know that all the IS in rescue are spayed/neutered here and after years of looking at their pictures I don't notice that much in the way of odd coats. Cash will be the test subject I guess. All I really care about is that he stay the same loveable goofy guy that he is. Afterall that is all that is important if your dog is a pet and not a show dog. I don't mind if I have to brush him daily, I do that anyway. And if he is less feathered well that isn't so bad for our lifestyle either since all that heavy coat is a mess if you field run your dog everyday anyway.
Hi Susan. For what it's worth, I certainly plan to neuter Cosmo when he is about 6 months old. I really have no qualms, even after reading all the comments here carefully. I have owned dogs all my life, and being a citizen of the heathen U.S. :) have always spay/neutered. I live in a fairly urban (suburb of Washington DC) area where there are many dogs in close proximity and relatively few options for safe not to mention legal free run space for dogs ... the dog parks are the usual best option and I can tell you that unneutered dogs are beset with unwanted attention in such a situation. I am somewhat biased and alas have no digital pictures to post of my prior setters ... but I can assure you that they had beauty to spare. If their coats were somewhat affected (and I am not saying that they were), it did not keep them from being the most fetching dogs in the neighborhood and in my heart. I totally respect everyone's viewpoint ... each should do the best they can as they see it for their own dogs. But I see no reason to lose sleep over such a decision. Now, Cash getting loose at the vet is a more reasonable worry but I bet they know him well enough by now to prevent any mishap! Best wishes.
Oh finally someone who really lives in my shoes. Thanks Gigi. Cash is out of surgery a few hours ago and did great. Very short 30 min procedure and he will be coming home in a few hours. So glad that worry is done and now I can deal with keeping him from running for a few days let alone weeks! My friends Gordon Setter is gorgeous and is bothered everyday by other dogs and she is beside herself but will not fix him. I understand her desires but I won't live with that stress of other dogs messing with Cash. It ruins their spirit. Now he can be left alone to enjoy himself and I can relax as well knowing I did what I could to keep him free to run the fields. If I kept him at home it would be fine but why own a setter and not let him run free? And I hope he stays as beautiful as your dogs Gigi. I know I feel he is the handsomest dog in our whole area as well. Yesterday a man from a local magazine was doing a story on dog parks and came along and asked who's setter is that? I beamed proudly that he is all mine. He interviewed us and took our picture. I can't wait till July to see if we made his article. He just ignorned all the other dogs and wanted Cash in his story!!! Okay I will stop bragging now.
No no ... keep bragging!! I think city people so love to see our irish setters because they are so rare in this environment ... working urban people don't have time nor space for them, generally. Poor Cosmo barely gets any exercise some days because we keep having to stop so that people can see and pet him, chat about him, etc. Of course he is still a puppy ... I had both my other setters in the same house and we didn't get nearly the same attention. So Cosmo better drink it in while it lasts!!! Glad Cash (and you!) came through "the ordeal" just fine.
Just remember tho it isnt an "instant fix" It will take about six months for his hormone levels to go right down!




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