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I recently bought a furmigator, and although the boy likes it, the girl doesn't.
It does seem to pull the hair and can be painfull.
I thought i might keep it now until they loose their winter coat.

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I use a furminator on all my dogs and they love it.  If you are using it correctly, it should only rake out the dead undercoat and should cause no pain whatsoever to the dog.  Perhaps you are being too heavy handed.

ok, will have a look and see the video


Hi Mario,

if you go onto the furmigator web site they have some videos on how to use them. may be a help.

cheers Rosie

I had no idea what a furminator was but I have googled it and now I know.I learn a lot from this group!
I didn't know what a furminator was so today I visited the official website. To be honest, a flea comb would do the same in my opinion! The only difference is that you have to use your fingers to clean the comb instead of a button.

My dog has tons of coat and we tried the furminator on him and it didn't pull out any hair at all! 

I was told it is only for dogs with undercoats and maybe my dogs coat isn't under?  Not sure why but it didn't work for us, our groomer tried it. 




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