Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Calling all setter owner/devotees in Northern/Southern Ireland and indeed further afield.

Following on from the last meet-up discussion on the forum, a firm date of Sunday 18th of September at 1300 hours on Downhill beach near Castlerock has been set for the first setter meet. Come prepared for all weathers and bring refreshments for yourselves and your setters. Parking will be on the beach itself. Initial confirmations so far include myself & Noreen,Kim & Drew Smyth, David & Chantal McIveen-Wright, Rita Wilson and Carmel Murphy. So,spread the word and lets make it a first setter meet up to remember! 

Yours in sincere friendship,


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Thanks to everyone for their replies and kind wishes for tomorrows meet-up. You shall be with us in thought! Latest update is that Carmel unfortunately cannot make it.

Sincere regards, James.

So sorry that we cannot make it tomorrow;o(( But we will try very hard for the next meet up;o)) I hope to see lots of photos after your day out;o)) Enjoy;o))))

Best of luck to everyone tomorrow!! Hope the sun shines on you all!

          Kay & Travis!!

Many thanks Kay, so far it is dry ... dear James is a very good event organisor  :-)  I bet he is already waiting for us with champagne and caviar... and tons of chicken for the dogs of course!!!  :-)  :-)

Hope you all have a great day send my congratulations to Kim and AJ on his win yesterday at Carlow just 1 more for his title.

I will think of you all as I keep Katie and her new family company.

Hi everybody, just to let you know that the meet-up went well and lasted from 1 o'clock until half past three. Weather was dry and blustery,ideal for the dogs. There was some broken sunshine later on. Attendees were: yours truly & Noreen with Romeo, Martina & Chris McKeag with Shannon & Sophie, David & Chantal McIveen Wright with Darwin & Mac, Dorothy Park with Gordon, Kim & Drew & Caitlin Smyth with A.J. and Geoff with Fergus & Jasper.This meant we had 6 Reds,1 Gordon, 1 English and 1 Red&White on show!  A good time was had by all amidst beautiful scenery,fresh sea air and the roar of crashing waves. Sincere chat & friendship was the order of the day and we parted with the determination that there will be another meet at some stage in the future. I will attempt to put a blog of the day inc pics on ES later on to-day. My sincerest regards to you all, James
Sounds like a great day;o))) Really look forward to the photos;o)
wonderful!!! It must have been fantastic! looking forward for the pictures :) also: we are going to be a bit jelous , what about trying a similar one in the south east at some point? we live in london, but can easily reach dorset or the south coast - well maybe this year is a bit late, let's try in the future :)
Hoping soon to see pictures of all the fun.....wished we could have joined in ( especially so I could cuddle little Mac and comfort him for being so mistreated) but glad you all had fun and bet all those lovely Setters and Gordon's had everyone's attention.
Thanks for the update James and we are looking forward to the next one
Jist to let you know that this is the most successful idea EVER! At the beginning of September we had a "Clan Gathering" of lots of the Dalrach Red and White Setters in Scotland and it was the most wonderful day! Dogs of all ages met and came together in a glorious afternoom of "whos who" The dogs were amazing and even for the large number we had there wasnt a single gru,mbe all day. We will be putting the "Gathering" in the 2012 calendar for sure

Why thank you Ossian.I'm glad that you all enjoyed your meet -up as much as us! I did say afterwards that we hoped that it would inspire others on ES to do likewise,and now we look forward to others following on as well!   If you have taken photos,blog them with the details of your meet,as ours was well recieved by our fellow setter devotees on ES. Sincere Regards.James.





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