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It is with enormous sorrow that I write this. I had to put my baby down this morning. Dublin been having bad stomach problems from the potassium bromide he was on that were controlling very nicely his seizures. He has had runny stools for over a week and I saw both our vet and called the neuro about it. They didn't react quickly enough I am afraid to say because he woke today vomitting blood. He was trembling in pain and I rushed him to the vet and insisted they do the pancreatitis blood work. She didn't understand why I insisted on this test FIRST. I know that the drug he was on can cause it. She should have read more! Anyway he did have it and it had caused several ulcers hence the bleeding. He was in so much pain I just died. I ended his suffering earlier than some might think but I knew we couldn't afford all that was needed to be done today alone. Ultrasounds, IV and at least a week in the hospital let alone they had to stop his drugs and then start all over again with newer more expensive human drugs to try to control his seizures. And they said he would probably need surgery for the ulcers. I am pissed that money or lack of it meant he couldn't get a chance to survive but the end result is that he wasn't going to well even if I did have the money. He was suffering and I just couldn't do it anymore. I just didn't have 4 or 5 thousand dollars laying around. My household is devestated and my best friend is gone and I am so empty and I do not know how to go on without him here. He was only two but it felt like he had touched so so many people. Not a dry eye at the vets office and I have no idea how to tell all his friends at the dog park. He was just this huge presence in so many people's lives. My favorite breed, and I am afraid to get another one. But I don't think I can live without one either. Sigh.....sorry if I bummed anyone out. I just needed to vent and let my feelings out.

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Sometimes the right decision is to let them go, and you did when you felt it was time, Susan.
Its hard making the decision, and its hard work getting over a dog that is still supposed to have his whole life in front of him.
But you did the right thing not letting him suffer any more.
This is all part of loving, the knowing when the time is there.
Thinking of you!
I am really sorry...I was wondering how you were getting on with his treatment. I know how much he meant to you and I am thinking of you !
I am so sorry for your loss and was devestated to read the dreadful circumstances that has unfolded for you and your family. You have been through so much with your lovely boy. His love and wonderful memories will be with you forever. Thinking of you at this terrible time.
I am so sorry Susan for you and your family. He was a well loved boy and you did the best you could for him.- Run free Dublin
I am so sorry to read of the loss of your special boy, he will remain in your heart forever.... and you will meet again at The Rainbow Bridge
Thinking of you - this is so very sad x
It has brought me enormous comfort to read your posts. I will still have to lurk around here everyday because looking at the photos and videos has always been so much fun for me. Dare I ask, anyone know of a good line of setters here in the US? Just in case I dare try this again. It has only been hours and I need fur already. I miss him.
My heart goes out to you.....I have been there, too.
we've all been there at some time and believe me they never leave you .. and he can't hurt anymore.
So sorry but remember the good times
Dear Susan,

I am so sorry for your loss. I always read your updates. Smart Dublin with his philosopher look certainly touched all our hearts! It sounds as if you do not only feel empty, but guilty. But I believe no matter how much money you spent, he suffered so much. I am sure you did the right thing, because you love him, and you (and we all) will always do.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. At least you were able to stop his suffering.
I'm so sorry for your loos, Susan. So sad the story of your lovely boy.
Thinking of you




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