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"Irish" Irish Red Setters


"Irish" Irish Red Setters

Irish red setters from Ireland

Members: 53
Latest Activity: May 28, 2018

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Started by Carol Gill. Last reply by Marie Quinn May 17, 2011. 1 Reply

'irish' breeders of Irish Setters

Started by Susan Stone. Last reply by Susan Stone Oct 20, 2010. 14 Replies

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Comment by Susan Stone on May 10, 2009 at 5:03am
Congratulations to all the winners, but most especially to that young belgian boy! Politics? I doubt it:-))
Comment by Dee Rance on May 10, 2009 at 5:41am
Thanks to that Susan. And well done Trudy!!..;0)) you wiped the floor at the end, sorry that I couldn't stay for the giving of the cups, but I had a problem with the ferries, they kept cancelling the darned thing...got home at 1.30am eventually, I have said it before, I am getting too old for all this, not sleeping stuff...Had a good day though, makes a change for things NOT to be so predictable. Love it when that happens. And thanks to everyone for their hospitality, and to you Camel for putting up with me, during the day.....;o)))
Comment by Carmel Murphy on May 10, 2009 at 6:17am
Enjoyed your company Dee and well done again to your pretty veteran Jas!!;o))
I had a lovely day and was very happy with the behaviour of my two girls and getting a very promising with Abbey(2nd puppy bitch) and my oldie Rua with her excellent and 4th in veteran!! I loved having Rua out after a very long time out of the ring!! And she still moves like a youngster!!;o)) Well done Frances on Cassidy's win and Mrs McKelvey(always liked her girl too)!!!!
Comment by Gaye O'Connor on May 10, 2009 at 6:32am
Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me to the site. Interesting set of results at the club show. Sorry to have missed it as I usually attend but with the cost of travel I am having to make careful decisions.
Comment by Carmel Murphy on May 10, 2009 at 6:36am
You are very welcome here too Gaye and there were a lot of people missing from past Shows!! Maybe you can make it over next year??
Comment by Dee Rance on May 10, 2009 at 7:05am
You could have come with me Gaye..only cost would be getting to Cairneryan. I was looking for someone to go with, I am too tiered to even think so am now going to try and have an afternoon snooze, you know what us old people are like!!!
Carmel, your girls were very good and the puppy is so sweet, and really so well behaved, I think that you will agree that Saffy IS so much worse than you think that your baby is, considering she is nearly 4 now. She is an angel compared to her, they are both very pretty.
Congratulations on your placings, and your oldie is so very dignified I love her grey, she reminded me of my Scarlet, she had those ''spectacles'' she is very pretty, and as you say can move well, I think that all the oldies could give some of the youngsters (not necessarily at the show) a lesson in movement... all happy good movers, all their tails wagging wonderfully. Congratulation to all who were placed...
Comment by Trudy Walsh on May 10, 2009 at 9:55am
Hi Everyone,
And a very big welcome to Gaye. It's really nice to have you here. I really enjoyed the day overall and Mr Blomme's judging. He takes his job very seriously, and you know that he has his reasons for every placement. A job well done I think.
I was happy with my two girls too. Maya was 1st Ex in Puppy Bitch and Shannon was 1st ex in Intermediate.
Brian Grace, who has not been in the ring for some time took Maya in for the Challenge and I took Shannon. He did a really good job with Maya, considering it was the first time they ever met. I then lumbered him with my Brace and team and he won both. Rua, Shannon and Maya's mum also won the Progeny class with her five daughters. I had Charm, Rua's mum entered in Veteran, but she was in season, so stayed at home.
The presentation of the Trophies after the awards is always very pleasant, and it was so nice to see Mabel Coulter (Lurgavon) speechless, when she was presented with a bouquet of flowers and a card signed by the Committe for her 80th birthday.
It was also very nice to see everyone sitting around the ring watching the judging and applauding the winners.
My personal favourite class of the day was the Children's Handling, which was won by young Dillon Cronin, a little red head who did a great job in handling and colour co-ordination. Next was Amy Donnelly, who only met her charge Shannon as she was about to go into the ring and handled her calmly and without fuss. Third was the only gentleman in the lineup, Philip Mc Grath, who also did a super job. The audience really appreciated their efforts and cheered them as they were moving. Hopefully these youngsters will be part of the future of the breed.
Glad to see that you arrived home safely Dee, I admire you for coming all that way on your own.
Take Care everyone,
Comment by Dee Rance on May 10, 2009 at 12:28pm
Thanks Trudy, a lovely day and lovely atmosphere, and the kids did a wonderful job with their charges, didn't realise that one had only just met theirs....they should all be ones for the future. Excellent work, So sorry that I missed the presentation, I really did want to be there. I did like the line up for BIS You have some nice dogs in Ireland, It is only my 2nd visit to that your club's show, (been good so far) although I don't think that the first could ever be topped, making up a Champion and going BIS for the first time ever, one of those great life memories...but this year was good as well, its always nice to win, but the atmosphere is always good there. Cup of tea and a chockey biscuit on arrival, you don't get that at many show, or do you ever get that anywhere else?? And when I found that I may not be able to get back, (ferry broken down, something fell of it) I had the offer of help and somewhere to stay, thank you all for your hospitality. Dee
Comment by Susan Stone on May 10, 2009 at 1:01pm
Thank you for your full report and the results, Trudy. Now I am hoping for some photographs... any chance?
Comment by Trudy Walsh on May 10, 2009 at 1:54pm
Hi Susan,
As soon as the photos are available I will post them.
We had photos taken of every dog at the Show and the CD is then available to the exhibitors for a small fee.


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