Joan Clancy

, Female

yonkers, NY

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
2 (at the moment)
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I grew up with them. Have had at least one, and up to three at times, since 1979

Comment Wall:

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  • Henk ten Klooster

    Great music!
  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Thank for the sweet comments Joan. I love the YouTube video of Malachy in the kitchen :D
  • Susan Stone

    thanks for the music Joan, so lovely, but it made me feel so sad - i will probably soon have to say good bye to my 12 year old Shannon...
  • Henk ten Klooster

    SUPERsettersong, Joan. Thanks. Henk. PS My Irish is called Clancy.

    Hi Joan,
    Finally managed to get Willow to sit still long enough to take her picture today - she had just finished "hiding" in her den (under our Willow tree) and decided to come out! I love puppies too! I could sit watching Willow for ages - she finds everything a wonder; be it trying to catch a fly or chasing the branches of the Willow tree as it moves in the wind??!! Is your Timmy the same?
  • Loma I. Clark

    I accidently erased you as a friend, can you please accept my plea for you to be my friend again. I made the same mistake that Ginger once did and was deleting friends before I realized what I was doing.

  • Loma I. Clark

    Thanks, I couldn't believe I erased people that were on my friends list. Hope you had fun at the shows.

  • Brad Porterfield

    Hey Joan & John

    Congratulations again on Malachy's BOB win over a top 5 US dog. He was definitly better than Spencer.

    Best Brad
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Joan,
    Was just reading your explanation of your name as gaeilge!! I thought that the Mac did not need the H as in MacFlannchaidh, only used with a vowel as in Ní Fhlannchaidh!? My maiden name is Mc Carthy so in Irish NíChárthaigh but my brother is MacCárthaigh! We need a gaelic scholar here!!;o))
  • Carmel Murphy

    I did learn Irish at school, but I have forgotten most of it!! The two main words for red are DEARG which is the vibrant colour(like painted objects etc) But RUA is the word used to describe the colour red of hair on people as well as animals-example:"Madra Rua" is the Irish for "fox" but it is actually literally "red dog"! Madra is the Irish for dog!! Thats all I can recall about red from school anyway!!
  • Catherine Carter

    thank you very much Joan. I will try to add a few more soon.My daughter has now come back from 4 years at college in your country. she was in Tennessee and she loved every minute of it. we did visit her there too but unfortunately could only watch dog shows on the tv. speak to you soon
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks for your comment! wish i had such a camera! these pics were taken by my older girl's breeder. :-)
  • Paula Rausch

    thank you for your comment on my pictures. I am very new to the world of Irish Setters and am loving it and the people I have met. thanks Paula
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Joan,
    Yes I did show under Mr Jason Lynn(Maxim) .Unfortunately it was a very cold day with a freezing wind and yet they still did the judging outside. Most of the exhibitors were frozen and so some of the dogs did not perform as well as usual. We were asked to move our dogs much more than usual but the judge did not seem to place some of the best movers of the day. So we are still at a loss to know exactly how he was judging. I got shorlisted in a strong post grad class but in the end did not make the final cut. However I enjoyed the whole experience( not the cold though) and I will enter again under other foreign judges ,american or other. Regards . Catherine
  • Carolyn Mauritz

    It's Nolan in the park where one day (soon I hope) you will bring the boyz.
  • Andrea Maxwell

    Hi Joan - My poor boys have never seen snow... I am pretty sure Spartan, my eldest, would not rate it at all anyway - James would love it though. He loves water and although that isnt the same, he will spend a lot of time paddling in his little paddle pool in the summer!
  • Rosemary Kerr

    Hi Joan,
    Loved all the photos! Welcome to the site.Your new boy looks very nice and am sure he is great company for "Malachy." One Irish is never enough!

    Rosemary & The Kerrsienna Clan of Irish Setters
  • Heidi Laabs

    Hi Joan,

    Nice to see you online! Isn't one of your boys a Captiva Irish?

  • ursula wilby

    Thank you so much for the comment on my "Bragging Blog-post". Yes I am counting on there being a number three and have entered three more compertitions. But this time I will leave it at the lowest level. I have worked with obedience for the last 15 years and have three ob. champions in a row, and I feel that I have now totally lost the desire for winning. I have watched your films, and it all looks great!
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the comment on Saffy's ears, she is beautiful. Congratulations on your new Champion.... I used to have a dog called Timmy but he was an American Akita, a lovely boy but that was many years ago....hope to speak to you soon Dee and the girls
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you Joan for the comments on my video "You're My Best Friend" !
    Congratulations for the new champion title with Timmy, he is looking stunning.
    All the best, Charlotte.
  • Dee Rance

    Ah well haven't got as far as the boring stuff yet. Back in the 'old days' when I was young (in the 70's) I had my setters to show standard obedeance I loved doing it and so did the dogs, but now my dogs do their own thing, so long as they walk reasonably well they get away with everything. Wrong I know but......One day I want to try Saffy in the field I think that she would work well, she is so willing to work its me being lazy...Dee and the girls
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hello Joan!
    Thanks for the comment of the smiling puppy...
    I long to have puppies again, it´s been 1 ½ year sins last litter.
    Greetings Annika
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Joan
    I didn't take the pictures. It was Nicole. I like you got too wound up in the day, it was so wonderful to see her working, I just hope that she can go back to it and not have the same problem happen, you will know that they don't, at this stage, have to do any more running around than the usual day out walking, I hope that yours get on well, you can see why people get so wound up in it....Dee and the girls
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks for the pic Joan, it made me laugh out loud (LOL, hehe) :-)
    and another of Danka, and yes, still real :-)

  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Thank´s Joan for nice comment about my Bruno,

    Greetings, Kristina
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Joan, Yes there were some beautiful colours in Autumn around the Red Hook and Rhinebeck areas(even the house we lived in had woods at the back with a wee stream) I only had to got out the back door to bring Beoga for a lovely walk among trees!!! Very pretty area! Where I live now is quite similar, except I have to walk a bit further to get to the trees!! Do you get much snow? I miss that a lot! Ireland hardly ever gets snow any more;o((
  • Lynn Spencer

    Nice to be your friend Joan.

    Lynn, Tess (Irish) and Megg (English) Setters from Oz.
  • Charlotte Godart - Riverwood

    Thank you ! ;-)
  • Rieky van Hal

    hallo i have see jour foto's verry nice

  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Joan for Tess's birthday wishes. I certainly agree about their 'pups'. Would definately have to be from the same lines !!!!!!.
    Look like twins to me !!!!!
    Thanks for the photo of Malachy with hers. It's soooo nice.

  • Monique VIRY

    Hi Joan,
    Thanks for your comment

  • Lena Fosselius Peterson

    Sometime I have the camera in the right time.
    Today come the snow white and nice outside.
    Thanks for you comments to the photo.

    Kennel East Meadows
  • Annika Liikanen

    Hi Joan! Thanks for comment on the fantastic snowman the kids did, i was so proud of them, unfortanely it rained away last night.
    They would be able to do new snowmen during the christmas days, we are going to northen Finland for a week and there is the same time we are going to meet Santa at his place in Rovaniemi....
  • Mary Crumrine

    Hi Joan, thanks for the nice comment on the Christmas photo I have up. Loved looking at your photos, you have some really great ones. Have a great weekend! Blessings, Mary w/ rescued Riley O'Grady & Golden Sasha
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thanks Joan for your comments of my Megg. She is a sweetie and no, she doesn't seem to mind the camera at all. Tried to get my Irish Tess to 'dress up' also, but no go. She thinks it's silly.
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hi Joan,
    Thanks for your answer. I tried some tricks with my setters last years when I knew "klicker". It's a fantastic tool to teach dogs. Even my oldie Bajka (11,5 now) make some simple thing. It lasted much longer to teach her, but it could be done. And works till now. Setters sometimes are hard to learn, but if... they remember for all life.
    Greatings from me, Bajka and Krusia
    Merry Christmas and Happy and Successful New Year!!!
  • Danica Morarova

    Or smile and take photos.:-)))
    Thanke you for your comment.
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    I'm only a little bit familiar with klicker, my friends are better by far. They work in dogotherapy and my Bajka (11,5 years now) worked some times ago too. It was the reason to teach her first step of obedience and some tricks to make fun. Bajka is "retired" now but she liked very much to work with children, invalid person etc.
    Merry Christmas and all the best for you and your family (doggy as well) in New 2009 Year
    Anna & Bajka & Krusia
  • Dušan Rauški

    Hello Joan
    Thank you for some nice comments.
    Best wishes for you and your dogs.
  • Drago and Beata

    Hello super photos! Sweet dogs. Beata and dRAGO
  • Susan Stone

    Hi Joan, thanks for the explanation - that would make sense. Meaning a quick indication without really coming on point.
    Thanks for your kind comments on my pictures:-))
    all the best and keep up the good work with Timmy!
  • Susan Stone

    Many thanks Joan;-)))
    Mmh, not bad at all...
    Good luck to you and Timmy!
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thanks Joan for commenting on my pic. That is a puppy pic, but my girls are still the same to this day. They are now both 7 and often still sleep 'touching' each other and cuddling up. Love it that they are so close.
    Lynn & girls in Oz.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Joan
    Oh my god if this litter doesn't come to fruition then I am really going to look a fool.....I have been waiting for it for over 6 years now, this is the third bitch, my first girl that I mated was Jas, she lost two mummified puppies, and, she had a C.Section to remove them, then there was Tam, I was arranging her mating on the Monday and she was dead by the Friday, so very very sad...and then there comes Saffy we just keep fingers crossed as to her, I think that she has got the be the maddest of them all, but I am SO looking forward to it. Will keep everyone informed..
    As for Jas it was so unexpected, what happened at the weekend, I really thought that it was just a night thing. Yes I must say that I think that the sun rises and sets on Jas, and I am so saddened to what is happening to her, and she so wants to please, I think Lyn Hathaway said about Layla 'she was special to start with, but now is even more special' well words to that affect, but you can get the guest.
    Thanks for the congratulations, the place was all the sweeter for knowing about her problem, and she still went round that ring as if she owned it. Head held high.
    Thanks again for the comments, speak soon....All the best Dee and the girls
  • Maggie Smith

    Thank you Clancy for your comments. Just as your pictures and video show, these lovely dogs do keep you entertained! My puppy is now 2 and a half years old and I love looking back at her naughty ways - and she has not changed.

    Kind regards

    Maggie Smith
  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Joan,
    Malachy is stunning, just like his sister Paige. Paige is owned by a friend of mine and I have loved her from the off. The other US/IK mix I like is Kate Seymours breeding. When I was over for one of your Nationals in 2000, my eye kept going to the same type and they were all eitherbred by Kate or by her dog Good Fortune. When I discoverd that they went back to UK breeding it expalined why I liked them so much! I also loved Robert E Lee, he wasn't really my type, but he cut a magnificant figure in the ring and boy could he move. It's not you with the photos it's the computer, it's the same on my desk top but on my laptop I can view them fine. Lurgavon would be considered British I think, rather than Irish, though I'm sure someone out there will correct me if I'm wrong! So go on spill the beans.....where can I find all these others on here that are related to Paige?
    Best wishes,
  • Michelle Webster

    Thanks for that Joan,

    I will check them out. I had heard that Rose had to let some of her dogs go due to a change of circumstances. DO you know which one's she has kept?
    Best wishes,
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi Joan. Your Malachy is a lovely dog!! I think Lurgavon would be considered Irish but I would have to ask Mable!!!!
  • Michelle Webster

    That is VERY interesting as guess who we got that one from!!