Well this was the result...7 puppies...2 males and 5 females...Ines just loves them, and so do we! Ok, they are not setters, but who cares? :-)
Added by ursula wilby on June 4, 2010 at 2:15am —
Ines is (quite understandably) totally pissed off by it all, too fat to even scratch her ears...looking rather like a giant tick...all body and a small head to go with it.
Added by ursula wilby on May 26, 2010 at 6:27am —
Her puppies are due on the 31st of may. And until then, she will spend her time resting on a silk pillow :-)
Added by ursula wilby on May 9, 2010 at 3:40am —
This could very well be yet another one of those "oh-I-just-love-snow-pictures". But in fact the cold brings something else appart from snow to lick off...it freezes the cat-turds and somehow enhances their flavour! Wow...rather like a cat-turd-ice-cream!
Is there a market I wonder?
Added by ursula wilby on January 30, 2010 at 9:41am —
Even though she had a great litter of 12 puppies in the summer, we managed to squeeze in three compertitions in the autum.
Not enough to defend her title from 2008 (I thought), but there was no more time and no more competitions close by.
Now that all points are added up it shows that we
DID win the title of Best Obedience Setter in Sweden for the second year running!
So lets see about…
Added by ursula wilby on January 14, 2010 at 3:03am —
Life is not always easy and its good to remember that however much we plan ahead, and however much we dream and however careful we are, it can all come to a very sudden end.
We had started Ivy up after her foal and all was going smoothly.
She loved being back at work, even if it was only in the padock with her foal running next to her.
One night she suddenly got stomach ache. Alexandra walked with her for ages, but instead of…
Added by ursula wilby on December 11, 2009 at 3:19am —
Best of Breed irish setter (and reserve gundog group) was
Rusa (Röde Baronens It Aint Me Babe).
Once again I realised why I enter so few shows...it took all day and then finally there we were...in the big ring. And Rusa certainly made the most of it! From behaving perfectly in the breed-ring, she went to bouncing all over the place with joy, grabbing hold of the lead and having a great time.
I only just managed to get her to stand…
Added by ursula wilby on November 10, 2009 at 12:54am —
Just did these two illustrations for a job and thought that they explain quite clearly why my dogs dont get to sleep in my bed...yes I know, I drew the wrong breed...
Night 1 and Night 14...
Added by ursula wilby on September 15, 2009 at 4:25am —
No wonder I am totally pissed off!
I was 5 years old on the 26th of july...and did she miss my birthday? She most certainly did!
Did I get a cake, like practically all other dogs on this site?
Judge for yourself.
She hardly put a lot of effort into this "special" birthday-meal did she now?
On top of it, I have my daughter laughing at me just becourse I am feeling quite depressed…
Added by ursula wilby on August 28, 2009 at 4:48am —
Remeber Ivy and her foal? Well after her bad start, the (still unnamed) foal went to a foal-show. We did not expect that much...but we were hoping!
First class foal!
With special remarks on her very pretty face and excelent canter!
We had hoped that her shaved hindlegs from the operation would have grown in, but no such luck...but obviously it did not matter too…
Added by ursula wilby on August 6, 2009 at 7:26am —
You have seen them all here on this site...those perfectly stacked puppies...and the cute ones. Here is one of mine, sent to me by the puppy-buyers (who by the way are delighted with their puppy). Looks more like a monster to me...hey...what went wrong? :-)
And here is another one of the same puppy...an irish red setter. As we all know, a gentle and sweet breed... I just have to blame it all on the stud-dog :-)…
Added by ursula wilby on August 1, 2009 at 2:00am —
You may think that the south of Sweden is a quiet place, but look at what we found in our play-area!!!!!!
I truly scary Panda!
We had to attack!
We all had a go...and yes, there is a Panda underneeth us all.
We tried various ways to kill this scary beast.
Nothing left but…
Added by ursula wilby on June 29, 2009 at 3:54am —
Just so that you can see how bad things are...
Still a huge problem with the beds...
I have now bought three all in all. Two big ones and one gigantic...
But then who wants to share when you have 11 bothersome sisters and brothers?
When you are a 6-week old setter-puppy, happiness is = being first in the bed and hoping the rest of the gang wont be around for some…
Added by ursula wilby on June 24, 2009 at 11:00am —
Seeing that the last litter demolished my
BIG, soft and
EXPENSIVE dogbed, I thought I would go for one of these plastic ones this time. Checking them out in the shop, I honestly thought this would be big enough for a litter of 12 at the age of 8 weeks.
They are 5 weeks old to-day and are laying in layers...
Added by ursula wilby on June 14, 2009 at 4:56am —
At least they thought so, having had their nails clipped for the
THIRD time in their life...and on top of it all, they were then briefly placed in a washbasket.
No fun at all!
And most probably the last time I can use the washbasket like this, they are growing fast and getting fatter by the minute!
Just over three weeks on the photo.
So soon time to call in Ines, the french au-pair-bulldog for…
Added by ursula wilby on June 2, 2009 at 8:24am —
Life is not always easy and things don’t always run as smoothly as we wish. We were delighted with our filly, well built legs, full of joy, but then, day 3 she was walking on three legs and run a fever. Not all that much, but enough to worry us and bring a vet out.
The result was a trip straight to the animal hospital. A long and nightmarish drive with Ivy calling for her foal in the trailer and us knowing we had an unsteady three-day old foal…
Added by ursula wilby on June 1, 2009 at 2:30am —
A few hours old and totally worn out after a short visit in the field....
A great looking filly that took some effort to get into the world, and now being watched over by mum Ivy.
All legs...and not much else.
Keeping our fingers crossed all goes well in the future.
But for now...no more breeding for us, three nice mares in a row...we sort of understand that you can not be…
Added by ursula wilby on May 20, 2009 at 12:30pm —
60 days...
And there they are...13 born (day 62), 12 still here. I was quite glad to see one go as I feel that 12 is more than enough...6 of each sex and great weights considering.
300g - 400g. But then what would you expect with the new and totallay improved formula for expecting bitches! The menue chosen by the mother of the puppies...and for the last three weeks of pregnancy it consisted of: Catshit, chickenshit, seaweed and…
Added by ursula wilby on May 11, 2009 at 3:30am —
I’m not great on remembering birthdays, most of the time not even my own. I’m not even all that worried about celebrating it. So the fact that the ultimate day for mating happened to coincide with my birthday did not worry me all that much.
(Although it did worry my family and friends somewhat. “Does it have to be on your birthday?” Yes it had to…)
I can of course think of better ways to spend your birthday than a 5 hour-long…
Added by ursula wilby on March 11, 2009 at 3:31am —
"Vilda" = Röde Baronens Glory Days has won the title of 2008's most successful obedience-setter in Sweden!
Added by ursula wilby on January 24, 2009 at 12:37pm —