Life is not always easy and things don’t always run as smoothly as we wish. We were delighted with our filly, well built legs, full of joy, but then, day 3 she was walking on three legs and run a fever. Not all that much, but enough to worry us and bring a vet out.
The result was a trip straight to the animal hospital. A long and nightmarish drive with Ivy calling for her foal in the trailer and us knowing we had an unsteady three-day old foal standing or laying next to her in a very confined space.
But the trip went well and the foal (still unnamed) was operated on straight away, flushing the joint on her back-leg.
We were told the outcome was uncertain.
But then we picked both up one week later, the foal shaved in various parts of her body, but now with a very good prognosis of full recovery as the joint was not affected at all.
There are still daily injections and a lot of medication ahead. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this is the end of the nightmare…
It looks as if things are moving in the right direction.

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