Life is not always easy and its good to remember that however much we plan ahead, and however much we dream and however careful we are, it can all come to a very sudden end.

We had started Ivy up after her foal and all was going smoothly.
She loved being back at work, even if it was only in the padock with her foal running next to her.
One night she suddenly got stomach ache. Alexandra walked with her for ages, but instead of getting better, it got worse.
So Ivy had to go to the animalhospital and was operated on instantly. The operation lasted for 6 hours and 6 meters of her intestine had to be removed due to a twisted intestine. Against all odds, she survived the operation and although it was a matter of life and death for a week, she was going to make it!
When we brought her home, she was her usual (hungry) self.
Once again on a strict and controlled diet, she stood in her box calling for constant! Someone forgot to feed me! She went for long walks and behaved just as she had before the disaster.
To begin with, there was the small problem of the foal calling and Ivy calling for her foal. She had after all had her whole stomach cut open and could do without a hungry foal. But things were calming down on the second day and day three at home was much calmer.
She was being walked and was very alert.
Until it was feeding time...
Ivy, whos main interest in life was food, would not even look at her foodbowl.
Back to the animal hospital.
And then things went from bad to worse.
She was put down on the 8th of december, only 8 years old.
A brave jumper that never gave up and would have a go at any fence...a super mum (ah well if you dont take into account that she kept trying to steal the foals food).
We are so happy that we at least have her foal...and if the foal is only half as good as her mum, she will be a great horse!
Take care of all the ones you love, sometimes life is far shorter that we think.
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