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By popular request (as they say) some illustrations...(with added BC for Susan and Carmel)

The Border Collie is from an article I wrote about breeds I still want to have...amongst them a BC. The text this border is thinking is; Wow..great..the metal dumb-bell! Ohhh the send-away...my favorite! Work...work...work!

All illustrations are scanned from the Kennel-club-mag or out of books...so awful quality of print. Sorry.

Bookcover...title: Doghairs in the butter.

Clipping pugs claws...not his favorite

Having puppies and getting in a shitty state. And having the teatowels on top of the fridge as they keep stealing them and playing tug-of-war.

Army-dog. There would be a call for a dog-unit and when I arrived, the officers (or whoever they were) would get this horrified look on their faces. Expecting a strapping young man with fierce Rottweiler and...ending up with ME and a silly setter!

Searching for game to retrieve and finding the perfect supply. Unfortunatly it was an eldely hunter that wanted MUCH more than just to sell a pheasant...(he was dead by the time I wrote that story).


Views: 46

Comment by Lise-Lotte Persson on September 28, 2007 at 3:28am
Ja, du bör nog översätta dina böcker så hela världen kan få skratta som vi gör!! En av mina favoriter är berättelsen om när Kickis hund fick lekakulor, eftersom man känner Kicki så hörde man ju t om henne när man läste! Jag skrattade så jag grät.
Comment by Laura Kolbach on September 28, 2007 at 5:40am
om du behöver hjälp med översättning,...
Comment by Carmel Murphy on September 28, 2007 at 7:03am
Thanks for those! Brilliant! You are so talented!
Comment by harriet on September 28, 2007 at 12:00pm
very qute
Comment by Loma I. Clark on September 28, 2007 at 2:12pm
Those are too cute, do you do the drawings too? Did you write the book?
Comment by ursula wilby on September 28, 2007 at 3:02pm
Yes, they are my drawings and yes that is one of my books. I write (amongst others) for the swedish kennelclub. The illustrations are from the kennelclub-magazine...mainly these stories are about life with my setters. So I think the swedish dog-people have this rather strange idea about setters...slobbering all over their owners etc.
Comment by Loma I. Clark on September 28, 2007 at 4:09pm
Well, it is adorable and love the drawings. So much fun.
Comment by Carmel Murphy on September 28, 2007 at 4:24pm
But Ursula, setters do slobber all over their owners!!!!! Well the boys anyway!
Comment by Carmel Murphy on September 28, 2007 at 5:57pm
PS Thanks for the Border Collie drawing!!
Comment by Susan Stone on September 29, 2007 at 1:54pm
Love the pictures! the BC is just as I know them: Drug Addicts, they loose their mind completely!
BTW I'm off to see the Swiss Obedience Championship tomorrow. Will let you know about the BCs and Malinois...


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