Was visiting Vera and Willy, Kennel Queenstones for a weekend and what a great pleasure it was! I felt so very welcome and it was a pleasure to see how Happy the dogs are living as real familymembers and it made me really touched. The three acer big Queenstoneland was so beautiful and the dogs could run free severals hours every day at that place. Made them all happy and relaxed the rest of the day.
Vera and Willy thank for your kindness and generosity and Vera your delicious cooking, too bad you refused to stay in the front of the camera;-) Thank you Willy for driving me to places I wanted to see and picking me up at the airport.
You are the best and your dogs are in Paradise at your Queenstoneland.
Here some lovely photos

Sunny day at the Queenstoneland


My big favourite Queenstone the Je Je Man

Queenstone Gentle Lady, such a lovely old lady

Willy with the youngest and most spoiled Queenstone Prima Donna

Je Je

Q. Lady Oilily looking for a bird

Je Je don´t need a handler, handling himself very well

Are always on our masters side, helping with the gardening

Taking a nap

Willy and Prima Donna

The sweetest of them all, Queenstone Old Fellow, I Love you!! Owned and loved by Brigitte Goossens
I was also happy to visit the Club Show and had the opportunity to see a lot of lovely and handsome setters. Most of all I really enjoyed chatting with some of you from Exclusively setters. It was truelly nice to meeting you all.
//Kristina, Kennel Cherry Bloom´s
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