Plus he recieved the 3.prize in open class. He would have recieved the first prize if my husband would´ve shot the grouse down but snowy terrain makes it usually hard to succeed in shooting a white grouse in winter trials...and finnish rules are strict...:(
The judge was from Norway, Roger Halvari from Vadsö. We had 31 dogs starting in the trials. Only 3
setters won prizes. IS Håkoya´s C-Spitfire and IS Finby Chico were prized with the third prize as well. We saw a lot of grouse and every dog had a chance for the birds.
The trials were a succes.
IS Håkoya´s C-Spitfire AK3
ES North Walkers Sirius AK3 , the best dog of Winter Trials-09
Ohlsmyren´s Sting and an exciting moment wit his owner
The weather was amazing
English Pointer Hirvasvuopion Cortina
Sting in motion
IS Finby Chico AK3
IS Finby Chico
the grouses flew away before the dog was allowed to flush them...damn it!
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