Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

On 5th of october the Danish Hunters association (DJ) organised its winnerclass trial at Sealand. To get the start permission for a winnerclass trial, a dog must have achieved a 1st price in open class within 24 months before.
These trials are very much appreciated, especially as the first winner gets the start ticket to participate at the Danish Championship (DM) next sunday.

This years winnerclass saw a strong pointer competition and still....the winner has a red coat;-))
Here are the results:
Engelske hunde, Sydsjælland:
1.-vinder + CACIT: Irsk setter, Lohmanns Jaffa, Frank Krøyer, Glostrup.
2.-vinder: Pointer, Astrups Dirty Dancer, Alex Nissen, Assens.
3.-vinder: Pointer, Niholys I Rico, Poul Fugl Hansen, Bogense.

Two weeks earlier the winnerclass of DISK (Dansk Irsk Setter Klub) for IS took place at Lolland:
Here are the results:
Lohmann’s Jaffa v./Frank Krøyer 1. Vinder
Klippeøen’s Tjack v. Per Pedersen 2. Vinder
Rosendales Sam v. Edward Holm 3. Vinder
Tilde v. Ole Schmidt 4. Vinder
Papaya v. Janlorentzen 5. Vinder
Kiwi v. Jan Lorentzen 6. Vinder

I remember that Frank ordered a 'puppy with Champion quality', when he bought Jaffa from us...How lucky can a breeder be ?
Here is an update:

Danmarksmesterskabet for stående jagthunde = Danish Championship
Søndag den 12. oktober 2008
Engelske racer

1. vinder og Danmarksmester
Boelsgårds Paw 02082/2005 pointer han 20.01.05 gul/hvid
F: Kendo 14576/99 M: Riddarsporrens Bita 01610/2005 Opdr. Tom B. Hansen
Ejer og fører Jørgen Gordon Andersen, Flyvesandsvej 6, 5450 Otterup

2. vinder
Klippeøens C Tjako 12274/2002 irsk setter han 21.06.02 rød
F: Spriunet 13651/2000 M: Bett 04428/96 Opdr. Erik Marker
Ejer og fører Per Pedersen, Lykkesvej 34, 7700 Thisted

3. vinder
Senja’s L. Saxo 09829/2005 engelsk setter han 24.04.05
F: Senja’s C. Feuda M: Senja’s D. Taya Opdrætter Minna og Erling Clausen
Ejer og fører Øystein Grandorf, Engsvinget 35, 3400 Hillerød

4. vinder
Kogtved L Vincitore 18557/2005 engelsk setter han 12.09.05 hv/s
F: Francinis Birbo M: Francinis Amicola Opdr. Lene Kryger
Ejer og fører Valdemar Larsen, Kogtvedparken 86, 5700 Svendborg

5. vinder
Villestoftes Mie 07346/2004 pointer tæve 16.04.04 gul/hvid
F:Villestoftes Razz 08316/2002 M: Villestoftes Tikka 10580/99 Opdr. Gunnar Larsen
Ejer og fører Bent Olsen, Grammingtoften 1, 6630 Rødding

6. vinder
Lohmanns Jaffa 06083/2005 irsk setter tæve 05.05.04 rød
F: Lohmanns Dietze VDH 62/95 M: Tilde 2064/2000 Opdr. Andreas Lohmann
Ejer og fører Frank Krøyer, Ejby Mosevej 199, 2600 Glostrup

Views: 220

Comment by Katariina Roiha on October 7, 2008 at 11:04am
Congratulations to the breeder!!
Comment by Ulrike Reder-Marko on October 7, 2008 at 1:50pm
Gratulation aus Österreich!
Comment by Laura Kolbach on October 7, 2008 at 2:26pm
congrats to a proud breeder and also owner-handler!
Comment by Henk ten Klooster on October 7, 2008 at 4:00pm
Don't get drunk now!
Comment by Margaret Sierakowski on October 7, 2008 at 5:06pm
Congratulations !
Comment by Yvonne Joerling on October 8, 2008 at 12:51am
Comment by Petra Kasznár on October 8, 2008 at 2:53am
Congrats and I'm sincerely glad about the results!!!! Nice to see that Irishes are still at the level to compete with EPs!
Comment by Susan Stone on October 8, 2008 at 3:22am
Congratulations! A great feat, beating 'them pointers';-))
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on October 8, 2008 at 3:33am
Wow this is a terrific result for our breed and also for you. Proving that you are going in the right direction. Alenka


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