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McBIRDY - Jean DUHANT's Comments

Comment Wall (335 comments)

At 3:17pm on October 18, 2009, Marta Magi said…
Thanks for being so mindful and wishing me a happy b-day, Jean!
Just realised you turned a prestigous age not long ago. Those lots of experiences have made you a master of the breed by now for sure. Wishing your way to be continued in a long and happy life together with your families and dogs full of health, joy, and success!!
Marta and the rest
At 5:29am on October 20, 2009, Rieky van Hal said…
thank you for comment for houston.
iam verry proud on him
gr rieky
At 5:02am on October 22, 2009, Marta Galuszka said…
Hello Jean,
Thank you very much for your nice comment about my pups. Yes it will be sad to give them away but it is a high time to let them go... if I won't do this my house will be ruined;)
Kisses to your babies,
At 4:31am on October 25, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Jean
Could comment on all the puppy pictures, they are all so so Sweet they are really growing well, will be going to their new homes soon, have you got them all their ''forever homes'' yet??? I know it was a worry for me but they all seemed to go really well and to really nice people, there are a few on the site now...Good luck and I hope that you are not too exhausted. Keep the pictures coming Dee and the gang
At 8:46am on October 25, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Jean
Oh I know what you mean about them standing like professionals mine were really good until they got to about 10 weeks...now will they stand...will they heck. but they will get the habit soon again, mine are at the stage now of looking like ugly camels everywhere they go they seem to have a hump in their backs and their heads are looking 'ugly' but Janice Roberts said to me once...look at them at 6 weeks and then try not to look at them until they get to 6 months + I have always though that was a really good comment. And lets face it Janice knew what she was talking about. Glad they all have good homes, that is the main thing. I will look forward to the standing pictures of your yellow-orange girl...
All the best Dee and the gang
At 2:45pm on October 26, 2009, Meldor-Sett said…
Bonjour Jean
Mercie pour votre commantaire. Je voulais vous encore dire que les photos sur votre site m'ont beaucoup impressionees. Bon courage avec des tres mignion chiot :)
At 4:43pm on October 27, 2009, Kerstin Thaens said…
Hi Jean,
thanks for your sympathies. I am so sorry that you lost your girls. Unthinkable! I always thought (for about 16 years) that nothing could happen to our well-protected setters but now we have got a new generation of girl setters (1,5 years and 10 months) and everything has changed. I am so surprised that so many setters died on roads (my nightmare on Sunday) I could not believe it. Think positive! No walks without leash! we are sorry. Best wishes Kerstin
At 3:15am on November 3, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Une bien jolie portée, j'imagine ? Tous sont déjà réservés ou peut-être vendus ?
Bonne journée.
At 7:48am on November 3, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Bonjour Jean,

Cela me fait grand plaisir d'apprendre que vous avez rencontré plein succès avec cette portée. Vos bonnes nouvelles montrent que le setter irlandais plaît toujours beaucoup et se vend bien, en tout cas en Belgique. Ici à Genève, comme en France vroisine, il est rare voire impossible d'en croiser un dans la rue. J'imagine qu'en Belgique, compte tenu que vous êtes plusieurs excellents éleveurs, le setter irlandais est à nouveau un chien que l'on voit de temps en temps ?

Je crois que vous êtes venu à Animalia à Lausanne cette année ? je regrette de n'avoir pas pu m'y rendre. L'année prochaine, pensez-vous y retourner ?

A bientôt.

At 3:20am on November 10, 2009, Carmel Murphy said…
Thank you Jean for Birthday wishes!!
At 3:39pm on November 15, 2009, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Thank you for your comment on my beloved Bella!
I've looked at pictures of your puppies and they look great! Good luck in the future with them!
At 5:07am on November 17, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Jean
Again thank you so much for the comment on my boy, he is growing well, and I was unable to take a picture by myself, ah bless.....every time I got the camera out they all just tried to eat it, but Aleks can stand him whenever she wants, he looks so good. As I have said, I am prejudice about him. Thanks again Dee and the gang
At 8:45pm on November 17, 2009, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Thankyou Jean for your lovely BumbleBee message - made me smile!
At 1:59am on November 23, 2009, Agnieszka Rola said…
Hi Jean,
thank you for your nice comment about Conner's babies.
Saw your new girl, she is lovely, good luck with her!
greetings :)
Agnieszka & Conner
At 2:28am on November 23, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Jean
Thanks so much for the comment on Saffys thank you!!! I love the baby that you have kept, I think that Robynn/Lana will probably be in the ring with you???? Good luck to you both.
All the best Dee and the gang
At 5:47am on November 28, 2009, Marta Galuszka said…
Hello Jean,
Thank you for your comments:)
Violet boy is not mine. He lives in Dębica with Daria and her husband.
Greetings to you and your gang:)
At 2:36pm on November 29, 2009, Renata Berlińska said…
Thanks a lot for your comment! We wish all the best in the field and on show ring!
At 3:04pm on November 29, 2009, roland alain said…
At 3:20pm on December 1, 2009, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Thank you so much for your kind words!!!!! I love him too :)
At 3:53pm on December 1, 2009, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Thank you very much for asking, very sweet of you:-) Everything is okey, but I am working a lot, my husband are away for the weeks and on top of that renovating the kitchen so a lot to do right now, but truelly understand that you wonder, have not been so activ here lately, but it will change soon when things calms down. Anyway me and Charlie will go to Stockholm next weekend and at the same time we will visit his children, so maybe hopefully I will have som news to share, thank´s again for asking,
I really appreciate it,
All the best//Kristina

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