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Sammi pease's Comments

Comment Wall (206 comments)

At 1:54pm on February 25, 2010, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Hi Sammy!
Thank You for your comment on my Bella!
At 5:04am on March 1, 2010, Lynn Spencer said…
Hi Sammi,
Thankyou so much for your kind birthday wishes for Megg.
It was very much appreciated.
At 1:07pm on March 8, 2010, Lynne Murray Hogsflesh said…
The pups go this Friday & Saturday so by Crufts I'll only have mine left....
At 3:48pm on March 8, 2010, Laura Kolbach said…
no crufts for us :( think i will never make it. every year there is something that makes my plans crush... :-(((( looking forward to all the pics though that the exclusively gang will shoot :)))
At 4:07am on March 9, 2010, Marion Kroes said…
What a lovely dogs, what a lovely site, what a lovely pictures, and what a lovely country do you have!!! Kind regards from Holland!! Marion
At 10:00am on March 11, 2010, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Sammi
Thanks so much for the congratulations on Findlay so far, You said it....chuffed isn't the word he is doing far better than I could ever have wished for... he is a clever boy..
Will you be at the ISCS joint shows???I will be there both days but unfortunately couldn't find a room for me+dogs nearer than 21 miles away, and lets face it that is nearly home so will be doing the journey for the two days, Ah well there you go...I suppose I am getting too old for dances etc..
Have fun at Crufts, I wish I had a neighbour like that, the best part of that is the reliable part, there aren't many that are that reliable nowadays.
See you soon hopefully Dee and the gang
At 5:23pm on March 11, 2010, Árni Stefán Árnason said…
Thank you Sammi for your lovely birthday greeting, it´s always nice to greetings from setter friends.
At 1:23pm on March 15, 2010, Benny and Pia Hansen said…
Hi Sammi,
We have also had renovation as a hobby, our first place we both lived and renovated at the same time. Eventually we felt that we wanted to build our totally own place, no compromises, just solutions for us and our beloved pack of setters ;o)
Balthazars is as proud as we are of his litter, he loves when we show them on screen. Sometimes we think that he recognises them - you never know ;o)
This summer we are going to focus on the garden, it will be lots of work.
Best regards

At 5:51am on March 20, 2010, june walsh said…
Thankyou for your compliments on the reds and glad you saw Olivier at Crufts.
At 3:24am on March 23, 2010, Susan Stone said…
Hi Sammi
Thanks for your enthusiastic comments on my grouse blog - it was definitely a fantastic trip though we'd have liked to get more training in originally, but due to the harsh winter the grouse needed a bit of quiet. Sorry we did not meet up at Crufts, but there are sooooo many people there...
all the best
At 2:37am on March 24, 2010, Kristina said…
Happy birthday sammi!!
At 10:46am on March 24, 2010, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Happy Birthday Sammi - hope you have a wonderful day.
At 2:04am on March 25, 2010, Barbara said…
Happy Birthday Sammi!
At 2:45am on March 25, 2010, Carmel Murphy said…
Have a very Happy Birthday and hope you are now dry again!!!!!;o))
At 4:23am on March 25, 2010, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Sammi, hope that you have a wonderful day on your Birthday...;o))
At 4:59am on March 25, 2010, Catherine Carter said…
Happy Birthday, Sammi ! Hope you have a great day with dogs and family and friends!
At 5:22am on March 25, 2010, Susan Stone said…
Happy Birthday, Sammi! Make sure they spoil you!!!
At 8:01am on March 25, 2010, Kerstin Thaens said…
Hi Sammi, happy birthday and may all your wishes come true. Enjoy that day to the full with Abbi and Lola and the rest of your family/friends. Kerstin
At 10:38am on March 25, 2010, Daria Olko said…
Happy birthday, Sammi!!!
At 11:09am on March 25, 2010, Cornelia said…
Hi Sammi! Wishing you all the best for your Birthday!! And lots of kisses from Joy :-))

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