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Angela Roberts's Comments

Comment Wall (118 comments)

At 2:47pm on June 23, 2011, Marta Magi said…
Dear Angela! Hope you are still enjoying your special day. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! Marta and doggies :-)
At 6:27pm on July 21, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…
Hi Angela, thank-you so much for your lovely comments on Clancy's title and birthday.  Hope all is going well for you and your lovely reds. cheers, Cheryl
At 2:28am on August 22, 2011, Susan Stone said…

Hi Angela

So pleased you enjoyed the photos! Back home again after those wonderful weeks, the photos let me re-live that uplifting feeling of wonderful landscape, great atmosphere and dogs doing what the love most...

all the best


At 11:03am on October 23, 2011, kevin and jackie said…
thank you so much for your kind comment Angela, we are still floating on air after yesterday, the 5 hr journey home seemed to take no time at all
At 5:24pm on December 9, 2011, Anna Kazimierowicz said…

Thanks Angela for your words of comfort.

I will go through all photos from my whole life with setters but not now, I need some time

At 5:00pm on January 14, 2012, Kasia Czapla said…

Thank you for your birthday greetings Angela, I am enjoying last minutes of it :)

At 5:01pm on January 16, 2012, Philippa Mockler said…

Hi Angela, Sooo Lovely to hear from you, Cara now owns me for two wks and she is such a sweetie, the other girls are starting to play with her and have stopped asking me when is she going home!!! I have two other Irish red setters, Grainne who is a working breed and Laoise ( Gwendariff) is 4yrs old. All going well Cara will be going to her first show in Feb, Ithink Martin is going to bring her sister, (no pressure!!!!!) I was going to wait to get a puppy in the summer, cus I lost my old girl Hayley(15yrs old) and she was my first Red, was heartbroken after her.... Was telling Trudy Walsh and she was telling me about Martin and the rest is history, Knew I was going to come home with her: Her Tail never stops Waging HeeHee. Great to hear about her parents and grandparents,. Martin is such a nice guy, we are always in contact, Take care to you and your Redsx

At 7:52am on February 21, 2012, Sandra wilson said…
Hi Angela thank you for your comments,we got holly in Wales her sire is Tredura behind the mask and Redgirls princess all her tests are good and she is the joy in my life .your dogs look beautiful. I am going to get in touch with the breeder for some advice,is there a stud register you can go on?
At 12:24am on February 26, 2012, Lesley Gilks said…

Irish.  He's 10 months old and we've only just started showing him as he's a bit of a late developer and I didn't want to rush him.  Next step is hip score.

At 10:06am on February 26, 2012, Lesley Gilks said…

Hi Angela.  I've already got Dee's  D.V.D. and I've found it very helpful.

Rigsby's parents are Ace Of Hearts By Suteresett (Dam) and Northamber Just Cause For Glenavna (Sire).

Rigsby's a bit of a nervous Nellie so I've taken it slow as we've got plenty of time to get it right.

At 12:16pm on May 28, 2012, Susan Stone said…

Thank you for your good wishes, Angela. We are hoping Bramble can share our lives just a little longer! It would have been dreadful to lose her to the dreaded bloat.

all the best to you and yours


At 6:40am on June 23, 2012, june walsh said…

Hsve a   Happy Birthday....  Angela

At 7:17am on June 23, 2012, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

Happy Birthday Angela!!! hope you are having a terrific celebration without too much rain and mud  :-)

At 9:55am on June 23, 2012, Carmel Murphy said…

Happy Birthday Angela;o)

At 4:58am on April 8, 2013, Valerie Short said…
Hi Angela, found you on here recently and thought I would say hello. Have not been to St Just for ages. Brian had to have an operation and I am waiting for treatment on my hip/back. Hope to get down soon, how are you and your family of Irish? Say hi to Sue in PZ and also Wendy if she comes to rising craft with Orlando.

All the best Valerie
At 1:14pm on April 10, 2013, Nadine Bonjean said…

Thank you Angela!

At 5:57am on April 12, 2013, Valerie Short said…

Hi Angela, lucky you having a new puppy did you breed her?  You must be busy with your large family of Irish.  I would still love to have another setter, would have to be an older one now we are knocking on a bit.   If all goes well with my treatment that could happen.  Yes would nice to meet up with you when we are down.

At 3:52am on July 29, 2013, Baileys' Page! said…

Thankyou for your friendship-such beautiful photos! x

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