Exclusively Setters

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have any of you been told as you are nearing or are in your 60s you are to old for an Irish?

it is so good to find on this site lots of people that must be in that age group.

golly i think i am more enegetic than most of the younger generation of today.

cheers Rosie


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After Maggie died two years ago, when my wife and I were 64, I sort of decided myself that I was getting too old to have another. Joan and I had our lovely five year old dogs and they are really easy to walk and a puppy seemed a bit silly and I didn't want the problems that a rehome dog can bring.After nearly two years had passed I 'browsed ' through the Irish Setter UK web site and suddenly knew that we had to have another dog.My wife was surprised and pleased,she had always wanted another but I was being the sensible one!.So now we are the proud guardians of 9 month old Arthur and I don't regret it for one minute and we are definitely not too old.Maybe a bit slower but Arthur knows no different and he is fun.If something happens to either or both of us my sons have promised to make sure the dogs get a good home.

You are not too old Rosie!

bless you Howard i have a pup due soon.so excited then some silly clown said bit old arn't you.

god i walk 9+ ks a few times a week and short ones the other days, train dogs and go to Melbourne to train dogs ever week that is from Ballarat and means four trains and a car drive in of 50 ks round trip.

so think i am pretty fit.


I was 67 when we had Saffy.  .  It was 15 years since we had a pup as we had re-homed dogs inbetween.  Several friends said "You must be mad at your age!"  Have to admit it's been hard work and I don't have a much patience as I had when I was younger.  My partner takes over when home from work and I have survived the last year! LOL!  She's now 16 months and although at times I have despaired with Saffy, I wouldn't be without her.  If I can survive a naughty IS Pup, then anyone can!!   Sure you will have a great time with a pup and just remember they do eventually start to calm down a bit, just takes a while!! LOL!!  Keep us all informed on your decision please X
lovely story Sue


I am 60, three years ago I had a heart attack and needed a quadruple bypass.  In September last year we acquired two beautiful girls and take them for walks each day.   As long as you are prepared to put up with all the stopping and starting as others admire your dog/s and can cope with their playful behaviour (the dogs not the admirers) - go for it.  Setters are the most loving, beautiful natured dogs you can get - with a strong love of life.  (also have three horses and two cats)

Ps our children think we are mad, but what do they know.  Look forward to finding out what you decide 

I fought this issue here with husband after losing our two old gentlemen dogs in 08...first it was no dogs then a purse puppy rescue I was suppose to find......fast forward to a year and half of being owned by Miss Molly and he would tell you it was the best thing I have done in three years!  She keeps us laughing and moving here!  Especially for those of us who have owned setters' in the past I feel we know what we are getting into ....and also know how to deal with a lot of the issues to make them non issues.....younger owners are just learning the lessons we learned long ago!  :) 

  I know when I found the Brittany rescue for my Dad years ago..I also made a commitment to Pebbles...if something happened to my Dad Pebbles came to my house to live.....which is what happened.  Pebbles was the best thing for my Dad those six years they shared.....gave him reasons to walk everyday, meet people and get up and going in the morning!  Not an IS but anyone who knows Brittany's will tell you engery level is about the same. 

  Now if I was 85+ looking for an IS puppy I would want you all to knock me upside my head ..tell me at that point I need a rescued wee bit older Irish Setter in my life!  Making plans for our beloved friends is also part of owning an Irish or any puppy as we get older.  I know for my Dad my saying Pebbles had a home with us if ever needed made all the difference in how he lived those last five years of his life...not alone and out and about....everyone in his small town, the local parks around there knew Pebbles by name and consequently my Dad never really felt alone and lonely!  And just for some added interest it also got some "women " chasing my Dad which only added spice to the stories he shared with us of life with Pebbles! So my vote is if you can manage to share your life with another Irish Setter go for it! 

I am so enjoying reading all the posts here to this topic!!! I am due to celebrate a significant birthday at the end of the year..my 60th, my husband is a couple of years older, we have had our three boys for 5,4 and 21/2 years now and wouldn't be without them. Like others here I also have health problems  so Graham walks the "boys" most days and i go along as and when i can....often I walk to meet them and love to see the three boys galloping forward to greet me, so pleased to see "mum". I feel they keep us young and have always thought that age is only a number, my daughter has also said she would home them if anything happened to us and they adore her so I have no concerns on that point.....however she has fobidden us to have any more at the moment lol!!!

These replies are so heart warming and show,that whatever our age,we love our gorgeous red heads.

Sue, you brought tears to my eyes,with such a lovely story.

I think we will have the company of Irish Setters until WE fall off our perch. Funny subject but they even get a mention in our wills to make sure they are looked after should we not be around....and on that cheerful note we are of to the common for a good long walk and then back for supper, boys first of course. :-)
What a wonderfull story Sherry, really pulled all the strings in my heart xx

Heartwarming stories indeed. 

Anyone under 30 is too young to own an Irish Setter.  They don't have they time to give them!  I notice that most of our dog park regulars are people over 50.  We have several in their 80's!  It seems like the mature adults  have the time and dedication needed to properly exercise their dogs.  And get the most pleasure from it, rather that it being another chore on their lists.  I know it is that way for my husband and I.  It keeps us moving and let's us appreciate the simple things in life.  When we owned our setters years ago when in my 20s, I had a toddler to chase after and the dog took a back seat to my son.  Now I feel like I have the time to give to my dog and what he give back to me is way more.  He keeps my weight down and my head clear when we our out in the back of the woods just relaxing and enjoying life.  His joy of life gives me hope that things will always be okay with my world.  He gives me reasons to get out of bed in the morning and satisfies my nuturing needs with my boys grown.  I still have someone to take care of!  So for me, over age 50 is the perfect age to get a new puppy!!!!



what a fantastic lot you are.

i am used to IS i have had 5 of them all up. after my last one died in 1991 we got a German Shepherd as my husband had always wanted one. she was my girl in a very short time, what a wonderful girl Zeta was, we lost her last October it has been a long time for me to move on i still miss her so much she broke my heart. so it is back to the IS now. the  to old remark stopped me in my tracks was stunned, as you say  age is just a number. i will say i went to the Docs and got a full check up, all good. so now i am excited to think very soon i will have a red head back in my life.

thanks to all Rosie




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