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What a tear bringing moment it was to see "Rusty " [Cataluna Nickel and Dime ] taking his place in the Veteran class in Crufts , at the end of last year he and his owner Father John Gaul were attacked by a another dog while out walking and severe wounds were inflicted on Rusty and Father John had to be hospitalized for six days with his injuries , but both with significant injuries set their recovery goal as Crufts and they achieved it with distinction , little Rusty though carrying evidence of his ordeal performed like a trouper and smiled all the way around the ring , fantastic after his injuries and at aged 12 , his final moment in the ring .May both he and Father John have lots of great walks together in the future in mutual good health . Well done Rusty , you are my little Crufts Best in Show .

Your biggest fans,

Marie & Fran

Views: 232

Comment by Dawn Riddell on March 12, 2012 at 3:53pm

May God bless you Rusty and Father John, I had no idea about this terrible ordeal you both went through.


Love Dawn R. and Rory (Cataluna Doc Holliday via Trunorth)

Comment by Carmel Murphy on March 12, 2012 at 3:57pm

Well done Rusty and Father John;o) Real winners!!

Comment by Chantal McIlveen-Wright on March 12, 2012 at 4:09pm

What a terrible story!!!  hard to believe ... so very sorry for both of them and absolutely delighted that both Father John and Rusty went to the ring again this year and no doubt they were the highlight of the class!  Like Sara I would say that you are a true Champion!!!!

Comment by Maggie Smith on March 12, 2012 at 5:16pm

I had no idea that Rusty and Father John had gone through such a dreadful time - all credit to them for their determination to recover and make Crufts. I remember talking to father John last year - he was delighted with Rustys placing. Wilko's photo shows a handsome  boy who does not look 12 years!  Big hugs all roundx

Comment by Angela Roberts on March 12, 2012 at 6:50pm

What a terrible thing to happen.  So glad Rusty was able to be at Crufts and he looks amazing for 12 years old.


Comment by silvia on March 13, 2012 at 3:33am

oh but this is terrible!! Rusty, you are the best champion ever, well done, and amazing you are still happy and smiling after all that!! a true IS temperament, that's why  we love them !

Comment by Karen McKelvey on March 13, 2012 at 12:43pm

A very brave and hansome Rusty He certainly doesnt look his age nor has he let his and his owners terrible experience stop him from enjoying himself. Well done Rusty and Father John

Comment by Peter Hennig on March 14, 2012 at 3:58am

what a great photo and story well done


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