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Could anyone recommend a good shampoo for a 9 week old terror, I mean pup? lol

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Thanks Eva, well the little darling was covered in pee, so we decided he needed a mild bath, ended up getting a Groomers Puppy shampoo and he had his first bath this eve, he didn't like it much but he loved being clean afterwards :o)
Hi Neil,

I would recommend just clean water. But if you have to use shampoo, I would recommend Jean Peau Velcote. I use this shampoo for all the dogs I groom.
Cash is 15 weeks tomorrow and finally had a first bath. I avoided it due to the cold weather. I used Johnson's Baby Shampoo. It was so easy to rinse out and he smelled like a baby! He hated the bath and was very stressed out from it. And even though I kept him in the hot bathroom and used a blow dryer on him (another stress for him as well) he was still shivering, so I wrapped him in a warm blanket and put him to bed. He threw up some foamy bile this morning and I am assuming it was just "such an ordeal" for him last night. He has been fine since. I also had to finally give him a bath because the snow thaw made so much mud that two days of playing it made him so stinky. I should have used a conditioner after it because his hair is going every which way now!
Oh my goodness I must have the smelliest pup ever as Reuben has not yet experienced a bath and he is nearly 8 months. Am I wicked??? Or just smelly...
All my pups have a bath before going to new homes and I always use Groomers puppy shampoo, on my 8mth old and my other I use Groomers Banana and Mango shampoo and Groomers evening primrose oil conditioner, a) they smell fab and b) their coats look amazing on it and I find that none of my dogs ever drop coat when summer comes or they have a season!
They will get used to being bathed and dried, my eldest will jump into the bath when I tell her too and all the others get in fine, my puppy likes to go to sleep when he gets blow dried!!
If not needed why do it. Mine played in muddy water at the dog park which had run off of nasty poopy things. I had to clean him for his safety and ours! I know that Dublin used to stay so clean, as long as I rinsed his feet he rarely needed a bath. Everything just fell off him.
Thanks for all your advice. As I mentoned we really had to bath him as he had pee'd in the night then lay in it, so it was a cleaning operation at 4 am with an anti-bact foam cleaner then a bath the next day.

For those who've bathed your pups from an early age did you have the same trepidation in the bath as we did?
When I had my show boy I bathed him every 2 weeks mainly because of his pee coat. Or he got a bath right before a show. I gave my girl a bath once a month or when she got dirty.

Now my new puppy has had 5 baths so far. He dont like it but he's gonna have to get used to it if he's gonna have a pee coat like I expect him to have. I use a shampoo and conditioner my breeder gave me. Cant remember the name of it though.
I take it you mean a pee coat in a different way than little Shea had Kimberly? lol
Hi Neil,
like Susan L I use Johnson's baby shampoo on puppies as then it doesn't sting if it gets in their eyes, I also put some cotton wool in their ears so water doesn't get in there either. I do make a practice of getting my own show puppies used to the bath & hairdryer when they are young as they will have to get used to it once they start attending shows. However if you have another pee-ing episode you might consider trying Plush Puppy Wonder Wash as you use this without water, simply spray straight onto the coat & rub muck off. Look it up on an internet search engine.....you'll be able to buy some at Crufts. I've always got some in the car for when they roll in fox poo when they're out running...boy does that stink!!!




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