Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World
As you can see: This is serious business! Joy even managed to lay down (once!), when I set up the tripod. It was her offer and maybe she was just hot and tired.
You will not find many photos of Joy in this blog, sorry, but the camera and lens
combination used here is specialized on 'hunting flowers':
The weather was 'bad' - it was hot and most of the flowers were in full sunshine, giving far too much contrast:
When you look at the next one which was in the shade and stil has a dew drop on one of the petals, you know what I mean:
Here's a detail of the above photo, showing the intense colour and the beauty of the flowers texture (no photoshop!!! - these colours are real!):
Besides the Siberian Iris, there was also the Yellow Iris, again in full sunshine:
Being in a nature reserve at Lake Conastance (near Bregenz, Austria), we found other creatures as well. Here's a snapshot of a swan:
Quickly swopping camera and lens with my husband, allowed me to take a few shots of this musical creature:
And on our way to the parking lot, we stumbled across a beautiful male deer:
When it finally disappeard into the wood, a rabbit looked out to see what the commotion was all about (Sorry for the bad quality - just pressing the button, was all I could do and then it too run away ...):
Hope you enjoyed our little 'hunting trip' - Joy at least had two eventful mornings! Of course she was allowed to plunge into the Lake from time to time, but she also
respected that a quiet hand is needed (sometimes, that is!).
All photos copyright © Cornelia Hahn - www.playativity.com - will soon have more than a welcome page ...
© 2025 Created by Gene.
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