Exclusively Setters

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The names of famous breeders have been mentioned on this site in varous discussions many times, but maybe it would be interesting for all to hear of some 'greats' in the breed and what is known of them. Who do you consider to have made a great impact on the breed? I will start with citing from the book 'Mission Accomplished' about Florence Nagle

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Makes great reading Barbara! Thanks.
Wow, what wonderful stories Barbara. I love to read things like that, gives me goose bumps.

Thanks to all for participating, I am enjoying learning about ths US side of the breed also. I'm sure there are many more people who can tell us about 'names' in the setter world that we should all know about...? How about Piet Roks in the Netherlands?

I'm really interested in Piet Roks' input in the breed too. I remember Wilko Jansen mentioned something about Piet and his kennel history but unfortunately  I can't find it now. 




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