Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Last two weeks I was very busy and I only pop in the site for minutes. And meanwhile forum begun so series, with many problems....
For me this place is a source of new friends, interesting informations, huge amount of photos, etsettera... ((in previous topic on forum I wrote about this pedigree but I forgot to add than now I don't speak "et cetera" (latin) or "i tak dalej" (Polish) but always "etsettera". Great word for setter lovers.:))))
But let's go back to basic topic...
On site with architecture monsters and curiosa I found a photo of a dog lover (unfortunatelly not setter, but beagle??) Look the attachement. For me the idea of this kind of building is crazy but it shows that man could have no limits with their imagination. For me it's funny home (or even two) for beagle lover.
Maybe you know similar crazy things with setters or others dogs.
Maybe your dogs have an excentric house. Don't be modest or shy... show us interesting dog houses, crazy things for dogs, etsettera:))))

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Hi Anna!

What a funny house!
I got this by email some weeks ago, made me laugh!

Very funny!! ;o)))
i love the house!
That took a lot of work to make a real "dog house" ;o))
Most excentric house...Hmmm, that must be an old befriended setterbreeder. She wants to become dogshit after death (plan is ashes to be spread over a dogs meal). She's still alive so cannot provide any pictures:-)
Thats what I call recycling Hank!!:o))
Thanks Kristina for crazy card with dalmatians, maybe thats the future of nature, so who knows what will be bred by next generations.
Henk, your comment like always a bit sarcastic. I know few persons who also want to be burnt out after death but a place for their ashes is not so excentric:))))
I have found new dog house, another beagle house or rather beagle palace.
Americans say " Sky is the limit".
If somebody is planning new house there is also a proposition to consider before you start work with architect:)))
That beagle house is very posh indeed!! Like the house man;o)
A funny picture from two small dogs :




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