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In october we were starting on german autumn field test with Lohmann's Milan and Lohmann's Ortrun (Chili) in the german club of french pointing dogs. Milan was starting at the the test for adult dogs and Chili started at the test for young dogs.. There where many duties they have to do: retrieving ducks from reeded water, retrieving duck and hare on a trail, trailing and pointing, work after living duck (searching and retrieving after shooting), general obedience and so on. Both are reached 2nd places - we are very proud of them.

after the test I get a present and we make jokes with Milan and the pink bow

Views: 31

Comment by Renata Berlińska on November 6, 2008 at 9:52am
Hip hip hurrah! We are very proud of you too! I see Jager in Chili's eyes!
Comment by Carmel Murphy on November 6, 2008 at 1:28pm
Very well done! Brilliant photos!
Comment by Susan Stone on November 6, 2008 at 2:42pm
Congratulations on another great result!!!
I feel a bit sorry for the cook who has to make dinner out of that rabbit though...;-(
Comment by Petra Kasznár on November 7, 2008 at 1:12am
I don't think you put the autumn test report by my comment, but anyway thanks to enlighten me about the event. Congratulation!
I see the shotgun in your hand, do YOU have to shoot on the test? Do you often use rabbits instead of hare?
What is the difference on these tests for adults and young dogs?
Comment by Michaela on November 7, 2008 at 1:54am
Thanks to all!
@Renata: I have seen your new homepage about YOUR own Kennel - congratulation!
@Birgit: das ist ja blöd, ich hoffe dass das gut ausheilt und ihr wenigstens etwas jagern gehen könnt. Gute Besserung an den Großen!
@Susan: After 2 trail-sessions with the same poor rabbit, it gives only a dinner for the fox ;-)
@Petra: So much questions in english language (it belongs not to my strengths) so I will try to answer your questions - Yes, I CAN shot by myself on a german hunting test, but I don't HAVE to do it - In germany we have the choice of usable furred game: hares or rabbits for an retrieving trail. The trials are named in germany Herbst-Zucht-Prüfung (Autumn-Breed-Test for Young dogs until 2 years old) and Alters-Zucht-Prüfung (Autumn-Breed-Test for Adults about 2 years old) - both are in autumn, and both have the same duties. They include duties wich give evidence about breeding qualities in hunting (for example nose, pointing, use of the trail, trailing, the pleasance to work, the work together with the handler, and the behaving in water, behavior on work at living duck, the behaving on shots on land and direct in water) and also give evidence about the training/dressage (for exampl. retrieving on a trail, in water, obedience). The differnce between these both tests is: the adult dogs are stronger evaluated than the young dogs - especially in training duties. Is the dog older than 2 years the training maybe can dominate the genetically disposition (breeding qualities in hunting) in some duties. So the judge have to look with special eyes on the adult dogs.
Comment by Laura Kolbach on November 7, 2008 at 4:25am
gratuliere zum tollen erfolg! was ist das, was du dir lächelnd anguckst? :-)
Comment by Michaela on November 7, 2008 at 4:55am
Danke Laura - es ist eine Packung Original in der DDR hergestellter Schrotpatronen - ein Geschenk von Freunden aus dem "Westen" (ich bin ein Ossi-Kind ;-))
Comment by Laura Kolbach on November 7, 2008 at 5:28am
:-)) ich war mal wessi :-) aber ziemlich nah (jaja, alles ist relativ) an die ex-DDR.
Comment by Christiane Lohmann on November 8, 2008 at 4:31am
GREAT ! Although I do miss a certain pictures where you also got a banana along with these East-german-cartridges and how you try to load them into this banana;-))))


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