Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

As an interim measure until the official register provided by the Kennel Club is fully up and running, the SEISC has decided to offer an opportunity for owners to post their recent PRA rcd4 DNA test results.
This will be on our PRA rcd4 page.
This is available to all owners worldwide not just SEISC members and will be in a similar format to that already used by the Kennel Club.

For further details please see the Club website www.seisc.co.uk.


Listing will be available sometime today - slight kink in my "html"  !!

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Hi Rieky, I am sorry that Houstons' result was'nt what you had hoped for, but you need to think it could have been worse!! I agree with Wilko,you still have a very handsome dog who has the most lovely character which i saw for myself when i watched Jeremy playing with Houston in the ring at the Amsterdam winners show. He was so gentle with him and sensible too! Hopefully people will see his many good qualities and not discard him in their breeding programmes as he has a lot to offer! 

thank you colette

for your nice words and yes his character is supper

Hi Rieky,

We've had a long discussion last evening ! Hope that all the lovely word here help you to smiling again. I must say I am pleased that Girly is clear, that's could have been worse. Houston is fabulous, stuning, sweet, handsome, clever and HEALTHY dog and even I will know the result before the mating I will chose him for Girly. Hope Girl is not his last girlfriend and if it had to be so, then I must say people are stupid ! ! ! 

thanks charlotte

I have been reading through last night's and todays comments...so sorry for the few more of you that have come through as Carriers...but as someone has said, these beautiful dogs will not go blind...and they will still be of use to the gene pool, (and they are still the most wonderful pets that they were before. We can't discard these dogs...and character is a really important trait in this breed...they are Family pets first and formost...so should be able to be left with small children without fear...Hustons character and his beautiful looks should be passed on...so please don't dispaire...I and a few of us here, know what it is like to have a blind dog...and please don't look at your dogs differently, they won't go blind with this...they are really lucky, sounds strange to say but they are...so putting your heads together and working out a breeding plan, so your carriers, can be turned into clear...it is so important to use these dogs...

There I'm banging on again....sorry for that, and sorry for the not so good results and congratulations to the good ones...and Rieky your written English is probably better than mine...lol...;o)

Zouden de eigenaars van Nederlandse honden hun uitslagen a.u.b. ook door willen geven voor publicatie op de site van de Ierse Setter club www.iersesetterclub.nl

honden uit Belgie e.d. worden indien gewenst ook vermeld.

Mail de uitslagen door naar: jeanetteterpstra@home.nl


She is asking for the results from Dutch and Belgian dogs for publication on the website of the ISCN. You can send them to jeanetteterpstra@home.nl

l had  the results of my two boys this morning


Janter Moon Magician of Millcroft    Clear   Millcroft Moon Drift   ex Janter Phoebe

Millcroft Moon Pirate                      Clear  Reddins Oban    ex  Millcroft Moon Quest

words cannot express how l feel.

Really pleased for you June. Saffy says she can't wait to see Chance again.

Woo Hoo!!  So excited for you June.  Bridget is so excited to know that her Daddy Piper (Moon Pirate) is Clear.

Great Results.

Good news, really pleased for you lets hope there are many more clears  to come.
Oh June I know exactly how you feel........very pleased for you.  A great relief!!




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