Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I’m not great on remembering birthdays, most of the time not even my own. I’m not even all that worried about celebrating it. So the fact that the ultimate day for mating happened to coincide with my birthday did not worry me all that much.
(Although it did worry my family and friends somewhat. “Does it have to be on your birthday?” Yes it had to…)

I can of course think of better ways to spend your birthday than a 5 hour-long train journey, but so what?
It turned out to be a great day!
Perhaps not all that glamorous (unless you consider a take-away Chinese and standing out in the cold holding two dogs during a very long tie glamorous).

But Camilla and I did have the champagne to go with it and I of course had my cigars (thinking my birthday would be a good time to kick THAT habit – but not doing much about it).
We sat up talking about old time (like you do when you are getting older and older…and tipsier by the minute).

After the second mating the day after, there was the same boring journey back…
But once I got home and turned on the computer, I was totally overwhelmed!
Loads of Birthday-greetings from all over the world!
So thank you all for sending those messages! It was great and I hope I will one day see you all in person.

Tons of love to you all

Views: 74

Comment by Kirsty williamson on March 11, 2009 at 5:04am
what a great way to spend your birthday, love the illustration!! Exciting times ahead!!!
Comment by Kristina Brannlund Westin on March 11, 2009 at 5:04am
Men så sött!!!!
Roligt att det uppskattades, måste säga att jag själv är urdålig på att komma ihåg födelsedagar, därför är det ju kanonbra att bli påmind här på ES.
Lycka till med kommande kull,
Kramar//Kristina & Co
Comment by Kristina on March 11, 2009 at 5:16am
You are very welcome. :-) I hope we meet someday. I love the illustration.
Comment by Nicole Wilson on March 11, 2009 at 5:39am
What a brilliant Thank You card....Sounds like you still enjoyed your birthday and keeping my fingers crossed for the litter!!
Comment by Katarina Hansson on March 11, 2009 at 6:05am
Tusen tack för kortet, det hänger ovanför min dator på väggen så jag kan se det när jag sitter o jobbar !! Det förstår jag att du hade en trevlig födelsedag. Och du står så klart på min "must meet" lista med. Lycka till med settrana och den blivande valpkullen!
Comment by Melinda Auld on March 11, 2009 at 6:15am
Ursula, you have such a talent!
Comment by Susan Stone on March 11, 2009 at 6:27am
Brilliant Ursula!!!

I wish I could be so creative at the crack of dawn... never mind the rest of the day;-(((
Comment by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on March 11, 2009 at 6:55am
Well, I didn't realise it was your birthday, so Belated Birthday Greetings Dear Ursula, and I am very pleased to hear you had a happy time with Camilla and her Reds.
Good to speak to you - look forward to seeing you again, sometime.
Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on March 11, 2009 at 3:55pm
Happy Birthday, Ursula.
I found it!!! Our site is getting more and more useful.
I'm waiting when they will start giving breakfast, serving diner, lighting up cigarets and taking the rabbish out:))) Maybe this is real begging of "an informatic society".
But going back to our celebrity - many greetings for you, Ursula, and fine litter (do you want 19??).
Your card is lovely.
Oh, there are talented persons:)))
Comment by Esther Siegrist on March 11, 2009 at 4:49pm
What a super card Ursula!!!! You are so talentet! Thank you for share it


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