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OFA hips

Getting ready to get Ellis OFA on her hips. Can anyone tell me what their Doctor charged to do this? I know the OFA charge is separate, I am curious about the vet bill I have been quoted. Thanks to anyone that can help me.

Added by Pat on August 29, 2014 at 10:34am — No Comments

Kasia becomes a mum

I'm planning a  litter in mid-October.

The parents are Kasia  and Poker, that is KASIA of McBirdy and Copper's SCONES'N'JAM.

Poker is a son of Dubliner MAC MIO and Copper's MAGICAL BUBBLE. He is a Jr. Ch. of Hungary.

HD-A, CLAD, PRA rcd-1 and rcd 4 - clear.…


Added by Anna Kazimierowicz on August 28, 2014 at 4:11am — 3 Comments

What 'Naughty and Nice' things have you learnt from Setters ?

Having lost our precious Lynwood Poetry in Motion 3 weeks ago I got to thinking what she had taught me in her nearly 15 years of life. Could members add to this list ? If you can, I would love to add your thoughts to a Setter Poem my daughter is writing for me. So far, my thoughts are these: Bonnie taught me that cuddles are precious, day or night, cuddle your loved ones; that Gym membership is not necessary with a Setter; that you should resist growing up, forever, it is more fun that way ;… Continue

Added by Denise Hawkes on August 27, 2014 at 2:05pm — 13 Comments

Lynwood Poetry in Motion 29.09.99-02.08.14

Our Beautiful Bonnie we love you and miss you with all our hearts. You had a fantastic long and happy life and you added a new dimension to ours! Love forever, Mummy, Georgia, Brodie, Lucy, Lauren and Jaycie xxxx

Added by Denise Hawkes on August 26, 2014 at 2:30pm — 9 Comments

BLOAT can be a killer

If you experience a combination of the following:

Your dog retches from the throat but nothing is produced, other than a small

amount of frothy mucus

Your dog tries to defaecate unsuccessfully



Added by wilko jansen on August 25, 2014 at 9:12am — 2 Comments

New Forest Social Walk - 18/08/14

Added by Catherine Carter on August 19, 2014 at 5:15am — 5 Comments

Saddest news

Our lovely old Beag sadly passed away this morning...collapsed just before we set out on our daily stroll and we rushed to the vet ...her poor old back leg had broken.  We had to say goodbye and she is now with her old friend Bonnie the Gordon over the rainbow bridge.  God bless lovely girl xx

Added by Denise Holian on August 15, 2014 at 8:34am — 14 Comments

Hip hip hooray!, Kasia is 3 yo today!

This lillte lady already turned three! I remember very well first day when she arrived at my home and life. Little but very smart, brilliant and sweet puppy. And she is still my perfect girl!

Happy Birthday!

Added by Anna Kazimierowicz on August 14, 2014 at 9:18am — 9 Comments

Joan Kniveton

Just saying hello to Joan who bred my lovely old lady, Beag, who is now 14 years young!!  (Born on 25 June 2000).

Added by Denise Holian on July 21, 2014 at 4:22am — No Comments

Its Me; Bronte

HI its me; Bronte, I'm back again to have a few words with all of you.

Have any of you setters out there got any secrets??

Things you wouldnt like your Mums finding out about??

Things your Mum might get cross about if she knew??

Little secrets ..... ??

Mine isnt a little secret its a Big Big one

Just wait until you hear it

It all  happened in our garden today....and you wont believe it....its a Big  Deep Dark secret.... I started to scratch at the…


Added by Mary Walshe on July 20, 2014 at 7:50am — 2 Comments

Bronte Here Reporting on How Shannon Killed The Internet


 Bronte here again, and I nearly didnt make it onto Exclusively Setters  today to tell you about what happened in our kitchen  yesterday. Mum went out shopping and thats great because when she comes back we get lots of treats and goodies. Mum as usual left us out in the garden while she put away some things and changed out of her shopping clothes.

Everything was going according to plan until that renegade of a sister of…


Added by Mary Walshe on July 6, 2014 at 5:33am — 6 Comments

Hazel's birthday

Today our beloved Hazel (ChIB, Europeen winner 2013, Dt.Ch.VDH, HD A, PRA rcd4 clear) is 5 years old. Thanks to Anne and Tommy Eisgard for this wonderful dog.

Added by Marion Didicher on July 3, 2014 at 6:28am — 2 Comments

Bronte's Family


I 'm Bronte and I want to tell you all about my family.

I have a big Brother called Goliath who is huge; a  Great Dane I think he is supposed to be, and  if you ask me he is only Great at eating and sleeping and playing, but he does mind us well and warns us if there are any strangers about

. I have four sisters and one cousin. My sisters are Maizy a black Lab /Retriever, Martha a Pointer x Lab who is also black,  Dolly my little sister is a Jack Russell who is…


Added by Mary Walshe on July 2, 2014 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Seven7 " Red Tails Jackson Balthazar"

ClubShow ISF Eksjö today 2014-06-29

Seven7 "Red Tail´s Jackson Balthazar won Open Class 1 with CK

and Best Dog Reserv with the Reserv Premium

Swedish youngster winner 2013

He has two premium ..and he is two years old

He got one 2013 and the other one…


Added by Benny and Pia Hansen on June 30, 2014 at 5:48am — 3 Comments

Retained testicle

Hi All

 I have a question to seek advice on, Perry is now 9 months old and only one of his testicles have dropped, I have contacted the breeder for advice and she has said it may still drop and wait until 12 months, for the growth plates to fully form ( the vet has said it will not, and can locate the other one in his stomach region and has said it is a genetic fault and in the bloodline and he needs to be fully desexed) and if not get him desexed, I am so unsure of what to do and…


Added by Rachel Ryan on June 29, 2014 at 10:55pm — 13 Comments

Hello to everyone

Hi Members

 I am new to the group, and  proud owner of Mr Perry, who is now 9 months old. We live in Brisbane, QLD, Australia. I am enjoying looking at other photos of the wonderful Irish Setters and reading post forum discussions.


 Rachel Ryan.

Added by Rachel Ryan on June 28, 2014 at 8:55pm — 5 Comments

HOD, heart thief, and the best thing that happened to me...

All in one very beautiful red package.

My baby is almost 6 month now and together we've had to fight our way through illness (both of us) and hardship but it's really made us form a strong bond. He was diagnosed with hypertrophic Osteodystrophy at 4 months and I thought I was going to lose him. He recovered very well and was doing brilliantly but he's relapsed a few days ago. Hopefully he will be okay. I love him so much. He's my little shadow. He goes everywhere with me. I adore… Continue

Added by Becky on June 25, 2014 at 7:53am — 4 Comments

Garden Star's Irish Tyson 3,5 years old

(CH Garden Star's Royal Legend "Roy" - Eu.CH Garden Star's Ferrero Rocher "Milka")

Breeder and owner: László Tóth - Garden Star's Kennel (…


Added by Laszlo Toth on June 20, 2014 at 1:26pm — 1 Comment

Walk in the forest

It was hot (for Ireland!) on Sunday, so we went to the woods

but Darwin and Mac plodded on

bright sunshine and a light breeze ...…


Added by David McIlveen Wright on June 18, 2014 at 8:11pm — 8 Comments

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