Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Please, do not add twenty almost identical photos. Choose a few that are the best.

Or is it only me who gets irritated watching the same dog who mowed his had or paw for several centimetres ???

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I assume Gene is the adjudicator of this site and would be the one to decide on the quantity and content of photos added by members.
I love all the pictures on this site.
Ah ha, u are obviously not a keen photographer then because each photo taken captures something very different than the previous one. You just have to look beyond what your eye first sees!
Actually I am not a photographer either but I can't say I have noticed lots of identical pics. Though I only look at the ones I want to and flick through the rest.
Hmm, I don't particularly want to upset anyone, but I was thinking along the same lines as Dorota earlier this week. I Posted two photographs from Crufts, which were immediately buried under 44 photo's from another member. I'm sure few people had the span of consentration to make it to the end of those 44 pictures to even reach my two offerings.

I wished I hadn't bothered. So do please think about the rest of us who aren't photographers, but just wanting to show one or two nice snaps
Oh my goodness this one seems to have touched a nerve...I'm almost afraid to step out onto the ice, it is so thin.

I think that we need to recognise that people contribute to, and look at, this site for many different reasons...

some members are very excellent photographers whose photographs are simply stunning to look at.....I'm sure that sometimes they get frustrated looking at shots which are technically not brilliant or are sooo big they take forever to load up.

Then we have people who just want to share & see photos of people's setters at home & at play no matter how many there are...one of my all-time favourites was a shot of some toast with slices of cheese on....the dogs' breakfast....loved it as it made me smile!

Then there are those of us all over the world who are bitten by the show bug & we can hardly wait until our faithful photographers get home from a show & upload their photographs for the world to see who won, who was wearing what & see how many people we recognise.

Your pictures aren't buried Nicole, they are still there for folk to find & look at; as for people like Barb, Kasia, Anne Jansen & others who post lots of photos, I cannot thank them enough because I never tire of seeing show dogs.

So come on guys, surely there is room for all?
Barbara, don't you dare even consider to stop posting the show photos, they are my highlight after each of the shows. I enjoy spending the time looking through them. JO.XXX
Bring it on...... Anyone who is a true setter lover cannot see enough pics of them.......
I can understand your thoughts about members loading lots of photos at the same time, but then again, I just love seeing all the photos from around the world too. I am not a good photographer and usually from one sitting, I can only pick out a couple that I think are good enough to put on my page!!

I particularly thank people like Barbara who spend an enormous amount of time taking, preparing and posting up the pics of all the dogs. Being in Australia, I just love being able to see more than just the breed winners, but a lot of the other lovely dogs who were there. I don't feel quite so far away and feel more connected with what is happening in our breed.

I do make an effort to go through all the photos that have been loaded since I was last on ES and sometimes there are pages and pages, but I look through them all until I remember seeing the ones that were posted the last time I was here. I'm sure most people who have a keen interest in our breed do the same. I know I don't want to miss out on seeing lovely dogs, just because there are more photos to go through.




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